• Classification of Vampiric Attributes
    Society in My Clan

    By Dalton

    1. Granted the Immortal Gift
    A. Must perform Ave Vississitudo Ritual (Eve of Alteration)
    - The ave vississitudo is a vampiric communion. How so is the fact that a portion of bread is bitten and held in the mouth without being devoured. The Priest of the Lineage (Prophoric) would then sacrifice his own blood into the Obsidian Grail. The devoted one would then tilt his head back and accept the blood to soak into the bread. He would then chew and swallow. Then he would have to prey, kill, and feed on his own game; only then is his former self truly perished and his eternal blessing awakened.
    B. Outkasts
    - The choice of being able to convert others is given to all vampires, but only the Arkna (Titans or the form of guards and soldiers) are allowed to use the gift to increase their legions. Any born outside the ritual or Arkna are considered impure and must be judged along with their converters. Almost all cases end with both of the accused condemned to the title of Outkast (is quite a common Universal term amongst all living (and non-living) things that can interpret it). The term in the social structure of the vampire is considered to either grant them the choice of eternal slavery or become the instant nourishment to newcomers. Once they are fed to they are welcomed into the society once more, yet most of the time they do not survive due to the ravenous hunger of younger generations.
    Some cases are different though. This is when the converter pleads to his crime and chants the term Enzebiet. This term when chanted states that he is forever ashamed of his creation and that it must be destroyed. The shame is usually not an emotion but is a step backwards amongst the structure. They usually tend to drop the ranking of their class such as a noble to a peasant. Basically the converter stays and the creation is destroyed.
    2. Blood
    A. Blood is the Divine Food
    - Everything consists of blood. Some are in different forms though, such as the liquid in the grass or the sap in the trees. Vampires can feed off of any of these but they rarely do. Almost all vampires prefer the warmth and decadence of red blood. Everything is perfect about it. The thirst instantly becomes quenched, the rejuvenation and refreshment is wondrous. The taste is of the purest Honey Mead. The sensation is like that of sweet chocolate in your mouth. The feeding on red blood is just so overwhelming and extreme it leaves you nothing more when you’re finished.
    B. Blood is the Life
    - Vampires live off of blood as everyone knows. The reason they hunger for it is because of the nutrients it truly has. Think of all the nutrients that humans need to survive. All of those travel through the blood stream. They crave it like we crave foods for our survival. The human mind has an automatic impulse of survival during starvation where the weird cravings you have (for maybe eyes or skin when you are on the brink of lethal starvation) are the impulses of your mind telling you to eat the nutrients from even the most distasteful parts. After a vampire feeds, the blood becomes an instant energy source. The cells are formed into enzymes, hormones and many other things used in the body than just a form of food. The enzymes with which I had spoken of before are those used during the feed. The elongated canine teeth have three miniscule tubes called the vutinaes. The top vutinae secretes a minor muscle relaxant enzyme. The second is a large dose of erotic stimulant with a direct neurotic effect to make it seem pleasurable; otherwise it would feel like getting two daggers boring into your skin. The third is the last used. At the moment of pulling out it releases a healing mix like a mosquito does when it is finished. This is so no scars are left but sometimes it doesn’t work depending on the viciousness of the bite. If this happens it will scar.
    3. Teeth
    - The newly grown canine has three microscopic veins running inside it. These vutinaes are meant to make feeding more pleasant for the host and its prey. The Un Vutinae secretes a muscle relaxant (quadruple the effect of marijuana). The Du Vutinae secretes an erotic stimulator (an ingredient found naturally in the human body and aphrodisiacs). The Tra Vutinae secretes a healing enzyme (also found in mosquitoes which make you itch after the bite) and sometimes an emotionally triggered instant killing toxin. The Tra Vutinae is only released upon exiting the prey and if done well and properly it will leave no scars and a slight amnesia due to the muscle relaxant and erotic stimulator mixture. The way that they convert without the ritual is before pulling out they regurgitate it some of what they fed, spit it back into the wound, and then pull out to let it heal. This is why humans think it’s a disease. After the bite it takes about three days and three nights to exhibit any sign of illness (it feels like influenza and inflammation of the entire body). Then on the last night the basal metabolism (involuntary energy during sleep) will eventually slow the heartbeat to a near halt which then triggers the final three symptoms: death, revenancy, and primal blood lust. It is always the first bite that is the worst because it takes about 48 hours after conversion to fully grow all the proper attributes including the vutinaes, which means it will be entirely painful for the victim.

    4. Vampiric Attributes
    A. Heightened Senses
    - A vampire has a total of 8 senses. This is obviously three more than the human. The first five are sight, feel, hear, smell, and taste. The added three are blood identification, hyper sonar, and telepathy, while the other five senses are enhanced. Blood identification is voluntarily triggered by constantly thinking of feeding. Eventually they will begin to notice auras reflecting the color of the person in view’s blood type which they could probably name to you just by looking at the person. Hyper sonar… the effect isn’t so different from regular sight at first but when you’re hovering through trees at 70mph imagine what you would hit if you couldn’t see as fast as you were moving. Well, this allows you to see. Telepathy is a more complex definition. It allows you to fly and grants incredible agility and balance. So it’s not controlling other objects, it’s controlling yourself.
    There is almost no explanation to telepathy. Many of the Propheric’s believe it is freedom due to the absence of life. In their beliefs life is like a ball and chain holding back your eternal being, trapped inside the body awaiting its untimely release into Heaven. Through the vampiric way may they take control of their souls outside the grasp of life. Because there is life after death the soul lives on, therefore, immortality. Most newcomers are quite amusing to watch as they just hover about like a bunch of balloons with the obvious lack of intelligence to just control it with the slightest imagination. Instead they like to waste the time to make a mockery of themselves while slowly twirling above the treetops.
    B. Purity of Attributes
    - Basically the purity depends on how you are converted. There are three levels of purities: Impure (conversion through bite), Pure (conversion through faith), and then there is the Highbreed (royalty). The more pure, the more powerful.

    C. Highbreed
    - Highbreed is the pure form of vampirism. Highbreeds are direct descendants from the ancient Revenants. The only form of conversion for this purity is for a Highbred woman to bear a child with a Highbred man. Riddles are what they call the offspring until they reach the age of unaging which is twenty-five. They must go through a ceremonial coronation for their place as a Highbreed. There are Highbreeds and there are hybrids. They are born of a vampire father and a human mother. Damphyres are what the children are called. They have attributes of a pureblood yet do not have the curses. The vampires believe one is only worthy of the gifts if they also bear the curses. Many female and male Highbreeds have taken the burden of Harbinger. Harbingers take long periods of time (5-10 years) to track down and kill Damphyres. Upon their return another group replaces their pots all around the world. These shifts are in cycle, so those who recruited are summoned, regrouped, and sent to their locations. There are rarely any casualties. There are at least 200 Damphyres killed upon each shift.
    5. The Lethality of the Sun
    A. Ultra Violet Death
    - There are many legends on how the sun has the effect. Some say the light burns the demons of night. Or that it turns the empty void replacing their soul. Some say it just does. Think of a human. Their skin only develops minor sunburn when exposed for long periods of time. The melanin in their skin keeps them from getting burned any worse than that. Melanin temporarily dies in the skin of a vampire because it is deemed to lock any use amongst their selective revolutions. Melanin is a microorganism in the skin that gives it pigment and color as well as protection against the UV rays of the sun. When a vampire is exposed to the sun its skin will instantly boil and bleed. Within 5 minutes (or ½ minute longer) they will fall to their knees and die. Soon after they will continue to burn and wither away into a cremated ash. But, after feeding the melanin is revived (temporary death) and depending on how much is fed on they are allowed thirty minutes of “day walking.” An average feed is twenty-four fluid ounces (the size of a Pepsi bottle) and can last up to about 5 hours of survival (30 min. D.W.) One hour is only 4.8 fluid ounces (6 min. D.W.).
    6. Apotropaics
    A. Stakes
    - A heart is just as valuable to a vampire as to a human, so yes, a stake through the heart will kill a vampire if not pulled out, otherwise it heals over.
    B. Dismemberment
    - A vampire will not die of dismemberment but will die of post-dismemberment blood loss. (There is more later)
    C. Decapitation
    - Obviously, yes. (More later)
    D. Fire
    - No, everyone burns, but it will take longer for vampires.
    E. Iron Maiden (cast iron coffin of spikes)
    - Not instantly, but yes.
    F. Guns
    - No, the healing process is too advanced for minor gunshots.
    G. Running Water (can’t cross)
    - No.
    H. Holy Water
    - No (nor will any other holy relic)
    I. Invitation to Home
    - Vampires have manners and will ask but are not cursed to never enter until said so.
    J. Mustard Seed on Roof
    - No.

    K. Garlic
    - Believe it or not yes but only if devoured. It causes them to relentlessly sweat and dehydrate themselves as with really hot peppers.
    Decapitation and Dismemberment
    - Both can be healed accordingly:
    † Find the dismembered limb or head
    † Put in place of dismemberment
    † Soak in blood
    This method has to be done within seven minutes after dismemberment, but humans tend to kick the heads like a soccer ball which makes it somewhat difficult.