• Barton’s Mage


    I was pondering the ability Gaians have to hold temporary alternate forms (like Elven and Impish) when it hit me. I was so struck by the realization that I nearly dropped the glass of water I’d been holding. I suddenly knew that they weren’t kidding when they’d say something was crafted by Gaia’s foremost mages. They meant what they said. Every Gaian has power. Some can’t use it except to power the initiation of a potion, but others… Others have so much more.
    I realized then as well why I’d been so drawn to the heroics of Gaia, to the idea of saving lives. I had powers… I was a Mage. Of course, the shoebox that flew into my face (with the shoes inside) for no reason… That may have had something to do with the realization.

    Chapter One
    A Taste of Magic

    I must have been to the library fifty times. Is it a law not to write guides for magic? I resorted to listening in on the chatter in the public forums. It was helpful, but mostly speculation. Guess that means I’ll have to go by fiction. I’ve tried a few things I’ve read in books, like Mage-light. It works! I lit my room by a little ball of teal fire. I do mean teal, guess the lights aren’t quite blue like the fictions say!
    I keep thinking I should be in a costume out saving lives. Does that make me… Some kind of Hero-Mage? But, that’s silly. Right? I mean, sure it would be cool, but… No. Can’t be right. I should settle for being Briana, the Mage of Barton Town.
    Practice makes perfect, they say. I’m pretty good with my magic now. Also, though, I’m absolutely sure I should have a costume and be saving people from harm or evil or something. Guess I’d better get designing.
    I’ve got a costume now… But I can’t tell anyone about who I am now… Not even Davy. I wish I could tell him! He is my boyfriend, after all. But anyone I tell is at risk for who I am. I’ve read way too many superhero stories to put anyone I know at risk… I wonder if I should have taken my chances with this taste of magic.