• "Excuse me, maam. Umm do you see that man over there? The one in the wheel chair? Yes him. He's asked me to bring you this drink."

    The young, blond waitress bent down a little farther and whispered in the red heads ear.

    "He's been admiring you for over an hour."

    The red head at the table seemed a little shocked and after smirks from her companions said.

    "Please tell him that I'm flattered but I'm seeing someone else and I can't possibly accept this drink."

    The waitress just nodded and walked, in her always cheerful way, over to the man in the wheelchairs table. She quickly relayed the message and was surprised when, expecting to see disappointment on the mans face, saw no emotion as he looked up at her.

    "How about you then? You seem nice enough. Would you like to share a drink with me?"

    The waitress seemed a little flustered at this man and wondered why he was so desperate. He was handsome enough and besides his wheelchair didn't seem to strange. She had to make a decision and truly didn't know what to say.

    "I'm...uh...sorry, sir but.....um....I'm not allowed to date the customers."

    The girl blurted out the first thing that came to mind and hurried away before he could question her further.


    The clock read 10:31 pm as the young waitress from the restaurant slipped into her nightgown and climbed into bed. She was asleep in seconds and her mind drifted into The Dream World.

    "Hello, Emily."

    A stern and commanding voice came from a tall figure standing over the bed of the girl. She jerked upward in her gown and let her eyes go wide as she recognized the man from the restaurant, only he was different. This man was standing tall and lean with no assistance of a wheelchair. The features were the same but confidence shone clearly in the eyes of the man this time. He was clothed in black leather and had a meancing look to him.

    "How did you get in?"
    "How did you get in?"

    As Emily spoke the man said the exact thing she said at the same time.


    As she stood bewildered the man gave an eery smile.

    "Were in the dream world! I know everything your going to say before you say it and this is the world where I am never to be rejected or humiliated because of my wheelchair."

    With a flick of his wrist the setting changed from a small Manhattan apartment to the roof of a building at least twenty stories high.

    "What's happening?"
    "Whats happening?"

    He gave a loud cackle as he reached for the waitress. She found herself unable to move as he swung her to his side and danced to her fast beating heart and his soft creepy humming. He twirled her around to the absent rythmn for quite some time untill she whispered.

    "Who are you?"
    "Who are you?"

    "I am The Dream Sorcerer, my sweet. Did you know that anything that happens in dreams happen for real? That is why I'm here. You will pay for rejecting me and hopefully no woman will be as foolish as you."

    With that she noticed that he had danced to the edge of the building. He leaned down his head and gave her a kiss.

    "Goodbye darling. So sad to see a pretty thing like yourself go to waste."

    The man released his hold on her slim waist and with a piercing scream she fell from the roof.