• The city of Miami; Always changing faces, the population increasing by 30,000 every night as long flights land, filled with tourists, and decreasing by 30,000 again every morning on cruise ships destined for tropical islands. The city of finance, commerce, media, entertainment, arts, beauty, danger, risks, and complete strangers.
    In mid-afternoon single men step out into the sunlight on the decks of their yachts, just waking up for the day. Only in their late thirty's they come sporting Hawaiian shirts, prematurely balding scalps, lazy habits, and fat wallets. They don't need to worry about jobs because they make all their money by purchasing nightclubs, jet boat companies, and playing the stock market, a risky but tantalizing game that provokes danger; Win big or lose it all. They smile as they sip their mojitos from behind a brand new set of shades.
    Forever have the pale white sands reached their fingers out to brush against the flirting fringes of the waves, the white, salty foam, born from the the blue waters. And forever will the sands we filled with young, sun-bronzed women each there on their own account, though they are all united for common ground; Sun, surf, the surfers, and to show off new bikinis. They lay soaking in the sun on beach towels, or playing volley ball, flirting with the men as does the water with the sand. The beach is always packed with bodies, swaying palm trees, and the thick scent of sun block.
    At night the sky fills with a liquid red, eventually fading to a velvet black dotted with millions of stars. The boats and surfers retire for the the night, tourists return to hotels with tender skin, but something else that is altogether different happens. The Nightlife. It's a whole new crowd, and the night itself seems alive, it breaths, stalks, kills, and feeds like an animal. The pulsing lights of a nigh club can be an alluring hypnotic thing, but one small move and they will morph into the jaws of the beast, tearing you up before you have a chance for defense. That my friends, is Miami; a beautiful but lethal creature filled with art, artists, murders, and the killers.
    That is also what lured me into it's depths. After committing my own sins, I needed a refuge to hide my face among thousands of others. I knew that there was never much left for me, but perhaps when I hid upon the plain destined for Miami I knew that is where I wanted to find my own end, to die a nameless tourists with no past, future, or even friend or family to claim the body. Death I was prepared for, but there was something I felt inside me that was new, something I never felt before stepping into this city.