• Prologe


    Sandra woke to the sound of a moving truck in the middle of the night. She sat up in her bed, clearly hearing the truck’s motor running just outside the shallow blood red wall. “Baby?” came the musky voice from behind where Sandra sat on the bed. She turned gracefully to face her husband before resting her ice cold hand on his short golden hair. “It’s time. I’ll be right back.” she muttered to him. “You know I don’t want to.”
    “You don’t have to. She can grow up here. Where she belongs, she’s royal and deserves to stay royal.” He proposed his theory as gently as he could. “YES, I do. Jake!” Sandra almost yelled as she made her way to their bedroom door. “I WILL be back.”
    Sandra walked quickly down the dark red corridor of their three story mansion that she had inherited the day of her mother’s death. The mansion was about three hundred years old, and was always and only owned by a member of Sandra’s family. It’s favorite part was the club on the first floor that was always open. The second floor had all of the rooms that aren’t bedrooms. Of course the third floor had the bedrooms and most valuable rooms to the royal family.
    Everyone who knew of the house knew that the owners didn’t stay long. Either they were scared into a different country, or they died in the battles that scared the other owners. Most of the mansion’s staff didn’t think that Sandra’s newest child would survive.
    The last child Sandra had was still alive, but no where to be found. He had been sent to his uncle when Sandra was forced into war with a different country. Some people believe that the child before him survived to, and was sent off during a war to make sure she lived a normal human life. Everyone called Sandra “Royal Mistress” except her immediate family, even though she hated the name herself.
    She walked down to the last room and opened the only blue door in the whole place. The room was a dark midnight blue with a pearl white crib in the center. “Come here, my darling child, my Kitten, my Sonya.” Sandra whispered as she gently picked up the two year old baby girl from the midnight blue blanket. “Pure and innocent, you will be queen of this world.” Sandra spoke as she quickly made her way down the stairs to the main level.
    The lobby was quiet against her rushed footsteps echoing on the marble flooring. The front doors opened at her slightest touch as she spotted the truck outside. “Hurry. I don’t want someone to follow me.” The driver yelled out the window of the passenger side as Sandra reluctantly placed her baby girl over to a girl who was waiting for them. “I’ll find her a great home, sis, I promise.” The driver called once more before the girl closed the door behind her.
    The truck pulled away, leaving Sandra standing at the curb in front of the home.

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 14 Years later ~~~~~~~~~~


    “Hey, Kitten. What are you doing for your sixteenth birthday? You have to do something!” called a girl with curly brown hair, semi short, and very skinny.
    “I don’t know, Marcy. What do you have in mind?” I replied through a screen of golden blonde hair.
    Marcy looked around. “A big, huge party.” She whispered with joy.
    “Yah, sure, and you can’t whisper!” I said, pointing out the bundles of eyes watching us.
    “Ok?” Marcy hesitated. “So what? You don’t go to any dances, even when twenty boys ask you out.”
    “So?” I asked, looking for a way out of her rampage. “Look, I just don’t see the cuteness in any of these boys that you see.” I whispered carefully.
    “That’s just it. You Don’t. I am going to throw you the best party you’ve ever had!” Marcy called, running down the hallway.
    Fine, go right on ahead. I thought as I walked to my locker.
    “Is your name by any chance, Kitten?” someone asked from behind me.
    “Who’s asking?” I replied turning to find a boy who looked fifteen. He looked like a rebel since he wasn’t wearing the school uniform, but hell. Neither was I.
    “Office.” The boy replied “Someone’s here to see you. Said they were your father.”
    “What’s your name?” I asked cautiously.
    “Eddie Jacobs.” He replied with a bow.
    “Kitten Hathers.” I said, trying to curtsy back to him. My black laced skirt was just a little too short to do it correctly thought.
    “Come with me then.” Eddie said before reaching for my hand.
    “Sure.” I replied, giving him my left hand as we walked to the office, obeying rule #1 of the Coal School District: All ladies must be escorted by a boy during class hours and must never leave campus during school hours alone.

    “Your Kitten!” exclaimed a rather tall man with a brown beard and one blue, one brown eye.
    “Yes, sir, is there something you need?” I asked, questioning the look on his face. It was almost as if he had seen me before, although I don’t remember seeing him.
    “I haven’t seen you since you were a year old!” he almost yelled, “Name’s Erin Richards. My sister never said that you would look this much like her.”
    “What are you talking about?” I asked, confused without a doubt.
    “You’re my niece.” he replied with a smile, shock fading from his eyes. “Come, We start now.”
    “Not today. Not ever.” I said, “I don’t have an uncle.” I turned and ran to my next class, Eddie right beside me.
    “so, that’s not your uncle?” Eddie asked as we ran, I slowed to a walk.
    “My parents don’t have any brothers, only sisters.” I told him with a sad smile.
    “You can’t run from fate, Kitten. It will happen.” Erin called from fifty feet infront of us. “Your name is Kitten Amaya Hathers, born of Sandra and Jake Hathers, and of sixteen years of age.
    “Your mother couldn’t hold onto you, she gave you to me tofind you a home. I failed and I’m sorry for that.” He continued, blocking my classroom’s door.
    “Eddie, go to your class.” I demanded before turning to him. “How do you know my full name? No one knows my full name.”
    “I was at the hospital for your birth. Your parents now are Cathy and James Hamilton. Aren’t they?” he bowed as he spoke. “They are my best friends.”
    “They are.” I curtsied back to him before walking up to him. “What did you mean by teach?”
    “Your half-vampire.” His voice seemed shocked as if he thought I already knew, but smiled still.
    “What’s the other half then?” my curiousity took control as I spoke.
    “Human of course, from your father I believe.” Erin replied quickly. “We should get going…. Oh! Ed will be there too.”


    Eddie met me at the end of my street the next morning for our training. He was wearing a semi-formal blue collared shirt and a pair of khakis. “What are you wearing?”
    “I’m not going to tell Cathy that I met my uncle and am dropping out of school. She’d think I was crazy and never let me.” I replied looking down at the school’s plain blue skirt and my white elbow-length sleeve shirt. “What’s bad about this?”
    “Nothing, I just haven’t seen you in your uniform since picture day.” Eddie replied as we walked toward the park.
    “Good, you both choose to come. I hope to tell you there is a lot that I can’t show you, but what I can, will probably shock you.” Erin said with a smile as we walked up.
    I looked over at Eddie, shock already in his eyes and turned to Erin. “He’s shocked already, but it will take more then that to shock me.”
    “Ed, don’t be scared. I won’t hurt you, just show you something.” Erin said as he pulled out two cups from a bag, carefully filled them with something that looked like fruit punch. “Come, get a drink and relax.” He beckoned us with his hand.