• wanna see wat they look like got to these 2 links
    http://www.gaiaonline.com/journal/journal.php?mode=view&post_id=25313589&u=12363386 also go to you said you'll love me


    "u-u-umi.... why'd ya do that?" said naka blushing.
    "Baka since we were little i loved you" said umi looking away.
    "b-but u-umi..." said naka.
    "Hmm... what is it naka?" said umi
    "uh.. nothing" said naka.
    "You sure?" said umi
    "uh...yea" said naka.

    The next day at school @ 9:00am
    Location: cafeteria
    "hey naka you havent talked to me since yesterday.. whats up?" said umi as he sat by naka.
    "Oh nothing" said naka.
    "You're hidind something c'mon tell me...plzzzz? ><" said umi
    "Later umi..." said naka
    "fine" said umi.
    After school that day as naka followed umi home (they're neighbors)
    "Hey naka are you alright?" said umi.
    "Huh..oh..um..yea" said naka.
    "oh okay" said umi
    "hey naka don't spaz too much you might trip on something and fall" said umi.
    "Huh what...AHH" said naka while she tripped.
    umi turned around right as naka was about to fall and naka fell on him.
    "ouch...." said naka.
    "See what i told you baka!" said umi
    umi grabbed naka's hand and lifted her up. then they're eyes met and both started to blush.
    "Umm i can take it from here umi" said naka as she stood up.
    "okay" said umi.
    "Hey there's my house over there well see ya umi >//<" said naka as she ran off.
    But then umi quickly grabbed naka by the wrist.
    "There's something wrong. i can tell..what's up?" said umi
    "let go of me umi!" said naka as she struggled to get out of the grip.
    "no not unless you tell me what's wrong!" said umi.
    naka stopped struggling.
    umi finally let go to try to lift naka's chin up to let her look at him but naka was quick and escaped. naka ran and ran but umi soon followed after her. they reached makalapua beach and naka still kept running and umi followed.
    "NAKA COME BACK!!" umi cried out loud to her.
    naka was very sad but kept running.
    "naka...."umi said. as he slowed
    "NAKA!!!!"umi screamed
    naka didn't look back but again she tripped. she cried a bit.
    umi saw that naka tripped and tried to run towards her but naka stood up and ran more. but unfortunately umi caught naka by the waist and they tripped because they ran so fast.
    "what did i do naka" said umi while he lay on top her.
    "I can't" said naka.
    "What?" said umi
    "umi i love you...."said naka.
    "but my friend kana she likes you and i couldn't..."said naka.
    umi stared into naka's beautiful red eyes for a long time.
    not knowing that kana followed the two there to makalapua and overheard what naka said.
    kana stepped forth.
    "Kana!" said naka as she wipped the tears and got umi off her.
    "hold it naka.. i like umi but i want you to be happy" said kana-chan.
    "b-b-but kana..."said naka
    "it's alright naka"said kana.
    "I love you naka and i never wanna let you go please would you be my girlfriend?" said umi
    "let me think about it" said naka.
    "oh ok.." said umi.
    "well i'm done thinking" said naka.
    "umi i love you too and i wanna be your girlfriend." said naka.
    "Yay you go naka!! ><" said kana happily.
    umi grabbed naka and kissed her gently and umi, naka, and kana all went home....

    2 be more afta the break >///<