• The trees seemed to be tall enough to touch the sky, they were beautiful shades and hues of greens and browns as the sun glittered through the giant canopy of leaves. This forest was forebidden to anyone without granted permission from the Queen. The Queen was the one who blessed this world with its beautiful forest and flowers, waters and sky's. Only one person walked through this forest, her beautiful warm brown gown trailing fluently behind her, rsutling the fallen leaves. Her steps were silent, her beauty was louder than anything in the entire world.
    Only this woman was allowed to walk through the forest not even the Queen who gave her the beauty that she destined for would not come. Every dead or dieing plant she walked past came to life, her beautiful red lips the finest of any red rose, her long curled golden brown hair flowed behind her as if it were just wind. She never needed shoes for every step she took the Earth would embrace her feet with soft ground and the animals would bow down to her and come to her call. Many people call this beautiful woman 'Her Grace' or 'Mara'. No one really knew her name except a girl who was shadowed by everything when she stepped into its presence.
    She wasnt always like this. In fact she was on of the most beautiful children in the land but now everything abandons her in darkness except Mara and her little blue dog, Yukio. This girl had no name but sometimes she would make one up and would create a character in which she would dream about. She didnt ever think for once that a dream she dreamt could be real.
    One early morning she and Yukio were playing in a nearby spring unaware of Mara sitting in a bare tree with a small raven sitting by her side. She then spoke with a voice so smooth, so soft like silk. Her blue eyes soft and happy.
    "Child, why do you play in the water? Why not make your dreams be real?"
    The girl and Yukio stopped and looked up at her and her face lit up as she climbed up on a rock, her clothes soaking wet and dripping, her dark brown hair wet and tangled.
    "Mara, Im sure you understand that my dreams arent real. They can never be real. Yukio is the only dream that ever graced me before I was shunned to darkness."
    "Child, you were never in the darkness. Darkness is just an illusion of empty space in time that must be written. Come, grab my hand."
    Trusting Mara she took her hand and smiled. Everything seemed brighter to her. Much more happier she frolicked around in the beautiful flowers surrounding the spring. She then noticed her reflection in the water was different. Immediatly her smile was erased and saddened face took place.
    "Mara, I did not wish for beauty. I know I would be rescued from darkness someday but I dont need beauty to be who I am. I learned by watching you that you dont need to be beautiful to dream a pretty dream or feel beautiful. Its not whats on the outside that matters its whats in the inside. I want to be me not some one else. Take your beauty back you need it because thats who you are."
    Yukio barked and wagged his tail as a boy emerged from the bushes, his clothes were almost rags, he seemed in need. Mara smiled and nodded in hjis direction.
    "Your dream come true my child. I promise you, he may be an alley child but that doesnt mean he hasnt been in your dreams. Give him your beauty and he will love you forever. If you do so you shall keep your beauty and your name will be returned. Your name is Chelsea, it means Safe Harbour. Everyone has trusted you."
    Chelsea looked at her and then at the boy. She thought hard before she touched his shoulder.
    "What is your name?"
    His face seemed in shock or surprise and when he turned to look at Chelsea his face lit up with happiness.
    "My name is Elighah Kirby, the Queen of Dreams son."
    Chelsea smiled and made him handsome. He was her dream. Tha boy that walked in her dreams all the time. She gently kissed his soft cheek and then hugged him. Mara smiled happy with herself before she dissappeared into the sunrise as a beautiful red peacock like bird. Chelsea smiled at the bird and spoke,
    "I shall name your kin Pheonix, for being beautiful, graceful, and kind."
    So the Pheonix kin and Chelsea and Elighah lived a happy life.