The loud ringing of the school bell was almost completely inaudible over first day of school chatter as Jeff made his way to his 3rd period class with the 8th grade Science teacher Mr. Morton. Jeff gulped down some water at the water fountain, and continued on his trek. The usual anxieties were gnawing at his insides, mainly if the teacher made him introduce himself to the class, since he moved from Texas to a little island beach resort that reminded him just a little too much about the movie Jaws to be comfortable. His worries were completely dismissed as he stepped through the door to a bright room with posters on the wall and a portly man with glasses, Mr. Morton, sitting at a desk in the front of the room. Jeff walked to the only seat left, sitting next to a girl he never met before who had wavy blond hair and wore a little too much pink. The girl turns to Jeff and talks to him.
    “Hi, I’m Jessica. What’s your name?” she asked. Jeff barley got out his name before the final bell rang, signaling the start of class.