• I was so in love! his lips brushed against mine, making my heart stop. He stopped and his face fell.
    'What?' I asked.
    'You don't like it when I do that, do you?' he answered. I didn't know what to say. I was so in love with him with his chocolate, liquid eyes, but, the more I fell in love with him, the more I'd have to tell Dad.
    'I'm fine. Don't worry,' I half lied.
    'Okay,' he laughed then rubbed his nose against mine. This was either heaven or hell. Then he kissed me, so furosiously, but so romanticly. I stopped to take a breath and said,'why?'
    he shushed me and leaned over me, staring at me hard. I closed me eyes and breathed deeply. I thought again, is this heaven or hell.
    'What's wrong?' he questioned me with his beautiful but manly voice.
    'Nothing' I replied. He flashed me a smile and kissed me again. After a few seconds his lips parted mine and he dissapeared. I was totaly and utterly confused. Why kiss me then just dissapear? I decided to forget about it and go to sleep. I still didn't know he was still there, grinning dreamily at my breath, my chest moving up and down, at my sleepy face, then left.