• ~CONT.~

    Marco had no choice but to carry her and bring her to the clinic.

    They were not able to attend classes that day because they both got sick and stayed at the clinic.

    It was the end of the day, Marco and Patricia were both sleeping in the clinic. It already stopped raining that time, though, it left small puddles of water on the ground.

    Maru rushed downstairs, wondering why her best friend did not show up for class. She ran towards the ground. She slipped on a puddle and scraped her knee. She had no other choice but to go to the clinic because the incision had not stopped bleeding.

    As she arrived there, she saw Patricia and Marco sleeping on the same bed. 'So, this is where she was all day and she made me worry so much, I'll kill her when she wakes up. She wasn't able to attend classes and she gets to be with the person she likes. How envious!!!' Maru thought, screaming in her mind.

    "May I help you?" The school nurse noticed Maru. She saw her wounded and treated her immediately. She asked about Patricia and Marco's cases. The nurse told her about what happened before:

    They came in together.Marco was dripping wet,holding Patricia by his side. The nurse helps Marco put Patricia in the bed and checks on her condition. "She has a fever,she has to stay here and rest,also you.I can't let you go back to class in that condition. " He didn't care,as long as Patricia was safe.

    He feels guilty for having Patricia sick.He should have stopped her but when she confessed,it just struck him dead in his tracks.He didn't know she felt that way about him.Now,he's willing to make up for his mistake. "I don't want this to happen again."

    ~You see,he used to have a girl he likes but it didn't last that long since he got cheated on~

    He sat at her bedside,watching her sleep.Then he also got sleepy,so he slept with her.He took one last glance of her before placing a kiss on her cheek and hugging her protectively in his arms.

    Maru waits for Patricia to wake up on another bed besides theirs.When she woke up,she's surprised that there's something hugging her.She turns to her side to see what and it's Marco! She's still for awhile before hugging him back and going to sleep. "She didn't notice me.",Maru thought and decided to go before she sees something more.She shrugs from the thought.

    ~NEXT DAY~

    Maru sees her best friend with Marco at the doorway of the classroom.They're late again.Everybody teases them why together(a normal ritual in the class if its a boy and girl late together.)Patricia was gonna say something but was stopped by Marco.It made everyone silent and they started cheering for the new couple.

    ~Another love story come true THE END~