• Ahh mornin' again I wonder what will happen today oh boy. I stepped on my floor and fell again oops well i ya forgot my leg again. I reached up and grabbed my crutches and went down the steps to toast up some waffles. When i was about to open my fridge I saw a note and I read it. Well good way to invite me mom. She was goin' to see some sights without me! And with that I stormed off.Oh azzurro sky why me? Oh by the way i'm italian so azzurro means blue so you know.

    But did I mention she's goin with Katy's mom and Katy is also goin' some things are just just MILKY!!!!! My mom calls me on the phone and exclaimed "It's coming, It's coming" The line went dead. I sure knew what that meant. I hitched a ride with my dad when we got to the hospital I was about to enter the room but they stopped me and said "Wait you can not enter you might carry germs, go wait downstairs in the little waiting room" I became furious.

    "You think I'm germy!" I Screamed. I didn't wait for a reply why should I she called me germy! I know one thing I'm not germy I'm a clean freak and I think everything else is germy! Well I had to of coarse listen so I stomped off. I entered the waiting room. "Hola Amigo" Katy said "They called me germy!" "Me too" She said her eyes watering "Well I deserve to go in there its my first sibling and I am" I walked out and Katy followed.

    As you know I broke my leg so it was not partically walking so ya. When I got up there I was so mad I pushed the lady out of the way and.........................

    To Be Continued......................