• I was running down a long dark corridor. I couldn't get away. My feet were thudding on the ground. No matter where I ran to there was no escape. I wanted to look back but my mind wouldn't let me. It was as if my mind was being controlled by someone else. I carried on I knew I was trapped. There was no way of escape. At the end of the corridor was a mirror. I looked in it and I immediantly regretted it. There was nothing there. I still couldn't turn my head. There may have been nothing behind me but yet I could feel a certain presence beside me. A cold chill sweeped past my shoulder sending shivers up my spine. Before I knew it I was running again. I was in the same dark corridor but when I got to the end of it there was a door. I tried to turn the handle but it was jammed. I tugged at it for a long time and eventually released it. I was relieved hoping that it would be my escape.
    It was but not the kind of escape I was expecting. I was falling. Falling for what felt like forever. I landed but it didn't feel like i had. I was still falling.

    Then I woke up and didn't know where I was...