• tab She sighed, staring up at the night sky with a sad, distant expression. Her gaze dropped to the ground, as she ignored the shouts of joy from her nearby friends. A sudden call from one of them caused her to jerk her head up in attention, and she turned to look in that direction.
    tab “Hey! Stacy!” they called, running over to her before skidding to a stop and panting slightly. Smiling at Stacy, the girl had grinned, and asked, “What are you doing here, all alone?”
    tab “I’m just thinking-”
    tab “Hey look! Its a shooting star! We should make a wish!” Her friend yelled, cutting her off mid-sentence.
    tab Stacy looked up in time to see a falling star vanish in the sky. She closed her eyes, wishing very hard for something she had wanted since she was thirteen. Her friend poked her a moment later, “Hey! What’d you wish for? A cute male super hero boyfriend?”
    tab “No. Only you would wish for that.” They both laughed.