• Kida stood over Fenrir for a few moments, then realizing someone may enter at any moment, hid the other man’s body and cleaned and bandaged Fenrir’s wound and carried him to his room. She left him on his bed hoping he’ll recover soon, as dusk approached she looked back on the day Fenrir’s brother, her only love, came to the Broken Sword. It was a rainy day and business was slow, Kida was about to close early when a hooded figure entered. He removed his hood and she was surprised to see he had the ears of a wolf, his coal black hair flowed to his waist and outlined his broad shoulders, he carried a very large pack and inside it something was moving. He walked up to the bar and Kida felt herself blush, he noticed and said, “You saw my ears, eh? Don’t worry I’m used to people staring, besides it’s an interesting conversation starter.” She chuckled and brought him a plate of food, then proceeded to clean a glass, watching him out of the corner of her eye. He hardly ate and every now and then he would slip some food into his pack and she swore she heard a dog bark. After awhile she got curious and asked what was in the pack, he laughed and reached into it and pulled out a wolf pup. He said, “This is my brother, Fenrir.” She had the sudden urge to grab Fenrir and keep him, but she stood there and slowly petted him. Fenrir yipped and jumped out of Ryvius’ hands and into Kida’s arms. He then fell asleep there and Ryvius slowly took him and followed Kida to a room for the night. As she left he asked, “What’s your name?” She couldn’t keep herself from blushing as she said, “Kida, what’s yours?” A smile came to his face as he said, “Ryvius.” She went to her room at the end of the hall and flung herself onto the bed. Feelings for Ryvius swirled in her like a raging tempest, she soon began to wonder how he felt about her. Ryvius stayed there for a few days, but then one night as Kida was going to her room she saw Ryvius leaving his room without Fenrir. Suddenly a loud pounding noise could be heard at the door, a voice soon followed saying, “In the name of Empress Shelok, OPEN THIS DOOR!!!!!!” She ran to Ryvius and asked, “Who are they?” He remained silent and walked to the nearby window and jumped out. Later, the sounds of a fight could be hear outside the tavern door, men screaming in agony as they were killed, sword clashing against sword and then finally the howl of a wolf. Then sound of marching could be heard slowly fading away, Kida walked outside and was horrified by the sight before her. A dozen or so men lay on the blood-soaked earth and in the midst of them all was Ryvius. Kida burst into tears and ran to him but she could tell he was dying, and with his dying breath he said to her, “Tell Fenrir I said goodbye.” Kida returned to the room and saw that Fenrir was gone, she searched everywhere and couldn't find him.