• They always seemed to get me in trouble. Some fell in love with them and tried to buy me for them but others wanted them melted to nothing. And then there were the ones who were jealous of them and just wanted to use me. Of course Alexion wouldn't let them take my eyes but even he wanted them for his own reasons. I failed him...


    I sat down in the servant's chamber for a long while. My body was completely stiff and yet it quivered from time to time. No one came down to find me and I knew that the word had spread about my being sold.

    When I finally was able to bring myself to the stairs, I took them slowly. It was the last time that I would walk up the stairs. As it stood it would be the last time I saw any of my friends or Alexion. My heart ached.

    "Xerux, I heard the news." Silver sobbed, pulling me in to her arms. "Oh, God, don't let them take you from me. You're the only child I've ever wished was my own."

    "I deserve it, Silver. I've done nothing good for the master since Janessa showed up..." I whispered so that no one else could hear.

    "Don't you speak that way, Xerux." Hellren growled, stepping out of the darkness of a corner of the room. "You are like my own kin."

    I started to shake in Silver's arms; the tears were coming back and the dark colors in the room vibrated in the air. The black in the room was creeping around, seeping into my veins.

    "My, God, you're turning black, Xerux." Hellren growled, not knowing about my power.

    Silver must have said something since Hellren stopped talking. My body was so far gone that I lost time after that. I could sense the darkness of sleep swivelling around my body. Then I lost it; I slipped into sleep.

    I woke up with the sun stiniging my eyes. Silver was on the other edge of her bed and I realized that I had fallen asleep when I blacked out. All day had passed me by and I was sure that Alexion would be looking for me soon.

    I climbed out of bed and glanced at Hellren, who was on the floor, and Silver. I would miss them a lot and I knew I would. I left the room in a hurry, trying to forget the pain.

    I walked in to my room, the only nice servant's room, and went to my closet. I figured if I was going to be sold, I might as well look nice in hopes of attracting a nice master or mistress, not someone who was going to hurt me.

    I pulled out a mist-like aqua dress. The color made my skin look light and flawless, which most were looking for. The aqua also gave a nice color to my white blonde hair and made it look like silk. I had always loved the clothes that Alexion had picked out for me. They always made me feel pretty.

    "That dress fits you, Xerux." Alexion's voice was calm and quiet.

    "Why are you talking so quietly? Janessa must be thrilled that I'm leaving, Master." I smoothed out the dress and spun to look at Alexion.

    “Regardless of if she is thrilled or not, I’m not.” He strode forward and stopped before me. “Damn it, Xerux, I love you and you can’t even handle it.”

    I stepped forward and grabbed his face in my hands. I was crazy to do what I was doing but I had to prove my point, or maybe I just had to… I don’t know. I pulled his lips down to mine and kissed him with all of my soul. His response to the kiss was slow but sure enough he did respond.

    His thick arms wrapped around me and he drew me in to him. He lifted me off of my feet and started walking. When he stopped he lowered me so that I was on the bed without breaking the kiss. He rested on top of me but not fully.

    When he finally realized what he was doing he broke the kiss and stepped away in a hurry. My face was flushed and I was panting from the kiss. God, he could kiss better than anyone I had ever kissed, which for the record isn’t a lot.

    “God, Xerux, you bring out the beast in me. I need to have you, I need to.” Alexion shoved his hand through his black hair and cursed. “I have to go.”

    “Don’t leave, please. I want you too Alexion.” I breathed, still trying to catch my breath.

    “I don’t want you, I need you.” Alexion growled his voice low and seductive. “That’s why I have to sell you. You make me feel at my calmest and I can’t have that right now.”

    He left without another word, leaving me alone. I smoothed down my dress and felt bitter tears burn my eyes. I put my face into my hands and couldn’t hold back the tears any longer. I was such a fool to be in love with him. I suppose it would be for the best if I left the house, if I left him…

    I sat in the room for what seemed like forever. Then I heard hurried footsteps coming down the hall and stopping outside of my room. There was a knock on the other side.

    “Xerux, they’re here. Alexion wants you in the main foyer in five minutes.” The female voice on the other side was that of a younger servant that had been bought less than a year ago.

    “I’ll be there.” I shouted, getting off the bed and walking to the bathroom.

    I didn’t take five minutes to get down to the foyer; all I had to do was grab my glasses so as to not shock anyone right off the bat. The room was full of people that I didn’t know and had never seen; they were from another town. I was shocked.

    When Alexion saw me his face turned to stone but then he turned to talk to the crowd. “The bidding for Xerux, daughter of Lexion, will begin at 50 Xyn.”

    A grumble ran through the room and a few stood up to leave since the price was so high. I was a little shocked that Alexion had set the price so high.

    “Xerux, remove those glasses.” Alexion snapped, glaring at me.

    I did as I was told and all at once shouts were running around the room. The bid rose so high that I stopped trying to keep track. As the voices lowered and finally stopped all together, I realized that Alexion looked hurt.

    “The last bid is 1000 Xyn and that goes to Mr. Dyex.” Alexion walked over to me and grabbed my arm. “This is what your money goes to, sir.”

    A tall, pale man stood up and I gaped at him. He was the splitting image of Alexion except for his eyes and the way he carried himself. I instinctively took a step back to look at both of them, Alexion and Mr. Dyex. I was scared but I was hoping that Mr. Dyex wasn’t as mean as he looked.

    “We’re leaving now, Rainbow Eyes.” Mr. Dyex grinned and grabbed my arm. “Goodbye, Alexion.”