• "Your highness! Wake up! You need to get ready for the party tonight!" my maid said. I opened my eyes as she grabbed my blanket to make my bed. I got up, and I went in the bathroom to take a shower. When I was done, my dress was ready for me, like always. This one was a casual dress, so I guess that I was going to be giving out invitations in the town.

    Every time a certain person visits---which was everyday---like a duke, lord, or even another princess, we had a huge party with almost the whole town coming. I hated it. I had to meet people who I had and will never meet again. I hated it. I had to dance with all the boys at the party. I hated it. Everyone would talk about me all the time. I hated it. I was home-schooled, and I never had any real friends. I hated it.

    My other maids pulled on my corset really tightly. Ugh! As if I wasn't thinner enough. When they were done, I walked down the stairs like how a princess should walk. Or that's what my father told me when I was little. My mother thought that I was perfect the way I was. She really didn't approve the whole "princess" thing. She helped me out a lot though. I got to the throne where my father was. I put on my disguise. A hat, wide sunglasses, my casual dress, black pumps, and a basket filled with invitations for the party tonight. I felt bad that my maids always had to do a lot of things for me, so I decided that I gave out invitations in the town. My father nodded, approving the outfit and allowing me to go out, again. As I walked out the back door, I headed for the town gate, making sure no one saw me coming out the kingdom.