• Sick, and alone I went to my bathroom for a hot shower. I turned on the hot water and it stung when it hit my cold skin. I put my face up to the flowing water and turn to face the back of the bathtub when the Intruder put a hot cloth to my face. I was scared.....but realxed at the same time. Scared because I couldn't breathe, Realxed because the warm cloth put over my face set me in a trance, then I blacked out but was awoken by the hardness of the Intuders chest. He stroked my hair a kissed me on the forhead and said "Its not time for you to go yet." I didn't understand what he meant my head swirled with confusion. He lay me on the ground and left all he left was a peoce of paper. I quickly dressed and read the note it said "Good-Bye" I stumbled around in my head for a meaning to this note. I desided to give up and go to bed. I woke in the morning by the sound of dogs barking. I ran outside to see what all the upproar was and then I saw the Intruder laying in the road. Flat as a peice of paper. Mixed emotions went though my head confusion,fear,sadness,and love? I was confused and scared of what happend the night before. I was sad for the man because he had died infront of my house. To top it all off I think......I think I loved him I didn't understand until I feel over. Passed out. Then it hit me the.....Intuder was my father that would explain why I had felt so calm around him and not as tarifed as would of been with anyone else. My father.........