The attackers continued to move forward. Anna Wanted to yell but no sound came out. She struggled all she could but her attackers had her. There was going to be no escape. She closed her eyes hoping it would end fast. There was a loud matalic screech. Anna woke up in the same ally way she could tell somthing had gone terribly wrong. Her leg was bleeding she could not move it there was a seering pain coming from her chest her clothes were torn.
The memorie of where she was suddenly came back to her. She looked around laying on the ground were her attackers dead. When suddenly she herd a moan from behind her. It was one of the attackers trying to stand he was bleeding everywere. He held a gun in his hand and with two words Anna's world went black "Die freak".
Anna wandered in the darkness not knowing where to go. When a familer voice called "ANNA ANNA WAKE UP PLEASE". The next thing she knew she was looking up into the eyes of the angel that had been calling her. "M...MM...Mason" she struggled to say. "Anna oh Anna they said you might not wake up. I thought I lost you. Don't ever do that again." he said.
"O...Ok angel" Anna said in a slurred voice. "That must be the pain killers sweety" he said angelicly. "ssssss nnnoot pain killer your my angel" said Anna trying to sound serious. "O.K. Anna go to sleep I'll be here when you wake up. He gave her a peck on the lips and Anna fell into a deep sleep.
Her dreams were peaceful untill she saw herself a menacing look on her face. The strange birth mark on her left wrist glowed. A flash of purple shot out of it and her attackers flew back. She woke up mid scream. She clapped her ahnd over her mouth.
"Just a bad dream bad dream" she repeated aloud. She looked over at Mason in his cot snoring. When she looked down at the covers and saw somthing glowing from underneth. She pulled the covers back and saw her strang mark glowing.

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