• Siblings are always entertaining. sometimes your best freinds with eachother and other times you want to strangle them. I think it's because siblings are always trying to be the superior of the others. And then they realize it doesn't even matter in the long run.
    I was going to kill him for what he did. A ninjas weapons are sacred to him and he stole my most valued weapon from me. I went into town and saw him asking if anyones seen me. It's not like it will matter soon.
    Freddy, my dear brother Freddy. I used to like him, I used to look up to him and the self righteous monastery. But the ways of the samurai were far too immoral for me. The things I saw them doing would make you want to throw up. The samurai were created to serve as protection for the emperor. They would go and find people who disobeyed the emperors orders, and then torture and kill them. I couldn't do it, I couldn't.
    So I picked the path of shadows, the way of darkness and pain. I went to be a ninja. The building was hidden in an old windmill. They tought me to feel no pain, no sorrow, and no mercy. I trained there for almost five years before my first kill. I was sent to kill a major business owner.
    I went into the door and destroyed the place. I used to hate people who did this, but now I don't feel anything anymore. I went to the third floor of the building and there he was cowering in a corner. I just implanted a shuriken in his head and left.
    Five years later I'm standing behind Freddy with a bazooka in one hand and a machete in the other. I felt the urge to kill him but for the first time in 10 years I felt reluctent.
    I heard the screams of someone and Freddy turned around. He pulled out his claws and swung at me. I quickly dodged and threw a shuriken. It was imbeded in his armor. He pulled his bow and shot me in the arm. The pain was extreme.
    I pulled the arrow out and drew my sword, he pulled his. We started fighting with nobody winning. I started feeling tired after the first hour, I think he did too. I kicked him and he dropped his sword, he punched me and broke my left hand, I dropped my sword.
    Then we used our martial arts to settle this. I jumped and landed a kick to his face, he grabed my leg and threw me to the ground. I tripped him and he landed on his face as I got up and kicked him in the gut. He was on the ground and I kicked him again, and again, and again. He got the claws out and stabbed me in the foot. As he got up I broke the claws. He used his wings to try and get away. I followed him using my wings. As he got away I threw a shuriken into his engine and he started to fall.
    I chased after him as he fell and he shot me with his bow. He took out one of my wings and I started to fall as well. As I fell past him he kicked me in the head and knocked me out. I started to remember the days before the monastery, the windmill, or the Emperor. I was 6 and my brother was 8 as we run around playing games. I was 12 and my brother was 14 as we talk about joining the samurai at the monastery. I was 18 as I leave for the windmill. I was 28 as I fell towards the lake.
    The water woke me and I saw my brother land in the water. We both swam up and started fighting again. We both got out and were at bassken lake. I saw some fillet knives at the docks, so did Freddy. I ran as fast as I could and so did he. He got to the knife first and picked it up. He stabed me in the chest and I fell.
    He walked away limping. I got up and removed the blade from my body armor. I ran up behind him and pinned him to the ground as I prepared the blade. He stared at me with a stare of terror. I felt all of the emotions of the last 10 years pour into me. I felt confused and sad and angry and frustrated. And for the first time in 10 years I felt mercy. I dropped the knife and ran.

    Four months later I changed my name and was living as a hermit in Durem. I will never try to kill my brother, or anyone else again.