• There he was running he opened the gate ran in some place he ran into the bathroom and looked at the mirrior. the mirror was cracking he walked up to the mirrior and said "i wasnt trying to run away" then he said crying "im sorry i dont want to die" he was crying alot and the mirrior kept cracking he got a towel and he was rubbing the mirror with the towel and he broke a piece of the mirrior and he said "sorry" as he went down to pick it up his refletion was standing there when he got up the reflection of him got the piece of glass and cut his neck it was bleeding from his neck like a river of blood and fell to the ground dead. a man took over his job he was walking around the place and he saw a mirrior and he saw a bunch of hand prints on the mirrior and he walked through the hall and looked at this door and it was open then it closed on its own then he went back home where he looked at his mirrior and his eys was dripping but it really wasnt thats what he say on the mirrior he went back to his job thing and touched a mirrior and he was bleeding and the mirrior wasnt even broken it hurt him and he looked at the mirrior and saw a burning lady. then he saw himself on fire on the mirrior he felt like he was on fire and he was yelling on the floor when it went away it stopped hurting him. he found the wallet of the man that used to work there before he had died his hand was bleeeding rapping his hand with bandages on his cut the wallet contained money,papers,and other weird things the whole place was trashed
    he looked around the place it was quiet and lonely (Part 2 next)