• The Meeting
    [Chapter one]
    Here in this school there are four groups; the outcasts, preps, gangsters, and emos. If you don’t fit in one of them then you’re screwed. I am a junior in High School, I lost my memory before I went there so I don’t even know if I’m even suppose to be in school. My life was good up until jr. high. That’s when everything headed down hill.
    There were some girls you see who wanted nothing more than to be little bitches. I hated them with a red-hot passion! They tormented me all through that time which didn’t bother me that much. I was one of the outcasts. I didn’t have many friends and I didn’t trust anyone.
    They walked up and I could feel the bumps and hairs rising off of my skin. They reached into their pocket and pulled out a knife and a bag. “If you don’t sell these drugs for us and give us all the profits then we will have to use force wont we?”
    “Well Yuri-chan I guess we will have a problem.”
    “Stop saying that Japanese s**t my name isn’t Yuri or my last so don’t b***h!”
    “Yuri is girl on girl so that’s you right?”
    “Shut up you do not know me!”
    She came up to me with the knife and held it up to my face. She took the book I was reading and threw it across the schoolyard. I looked up at her with condescending eyes. I stood up and tried to walk away she grabbed my arm and threw the knife up to my neck.
    I got angry which wasn’t normal for me then I threw her on the ground. I felt weird. My brain was pulsing and I couldn’t move. My hand was at her throat and her friends were trying to pull me off they were punching and kicking me. My hand went up automatically and I said some words like “Sleep Thy Children” or something to that point. They fell on the ground and everything froze even the birds flying away from a nearby tree. I looked around and saw a boy standing bye that tree then turned around. He had silver hair and looked like one of those emo guys though he was really cute.
    I got up and ran to him. He started running I chased after him yelling out for him to stop. He turned many corners and lost me at some points but showed up about ten yards away and then ran again when I caught my breath. I finally caught up to him. “Who are you and where am I?” He didn’t answer and just pointed to a tombstone. It read Daraar 1774-1791. He only lived for seventeen years.
    “Is this you are you Daraar?”
    He only nodded his head. “Can you talk Daraar?” He nodded his head again then started walking away. “So how did you die?” He didn’t answer like he was thinking or something then he cleared his throat. “I got burned alive.”
    “So why are you here? And how come I see you and everyone is frozen?”
    “I was accused of being a witch but it was my mother. She made it to where I could only be seen by my sister. You are the one I’ve been waiting for! You sister are my sister or my lafreind.”
    “That means I am?”
    “You’re a witch ether way.”
    “But why is everyone frozen?”
    We were about halfway to my school by now. He just kept walking then he said. “If you are whom I think you made them go to sleep. They lose all consciousness so no one will remember what happened. That was a spell you used. I made time stop so there is a difference. Ghosts like me can break through and only witches can stay normal that’s how I could tell.”
    “Well its lunch and I don’t feel like going to school. So how about you unfreeze it and lets go somewhere else.”
    Now we were at the front of the tree and I was staring at the school. He sat there then walked away. “If you want. Lets go so they wont see you and we have another encounter.”
    We walked away about a block and then we stopped at a restaurant. He told me that the chief wasn’t clean. I simply whispered, “Well just about anyone in America isn’t clean.” He just laughed and then I ate my food. See I live in a small town called Zaralyn, which means beautiful blossom, but the trees haven’t blossomed in over a thousand years.
    We sat under a bare Sakura tree and just cooled off in the warm winter wind. I sat there thinking about everything what happened today and this is how I summed it up.
    I discovered that I am a witch who can see this boy named Daraar who died a long time ago. I am ether reincarnated as his sister or his friend. I made the girls trying to hurt me drop and become unconscious and he put a spell to stop time in its tracks.
    I thought about it and went over it about three times and ended up with that summery each time. I sat there and looked at my watch it was only one o clock so I laid back. “What may your name be?”
    “Oh my name is completely Ash that’s all my so called parents told me. I might have another name but idk. I’m new at my school so it doesn’t help any.”
    “Really well that’s nice do you have a friend here at your new school?”
    “Two Kry and Leelee. They both are unusual. Kry was named that because her mom had a dream that a baby girl would be crying right after she was about to be buried. So her mom named her Kry instead of Cry with a C.”
    “What about Leelee?”
    “Her parents are weird!”
    “Oh well don’t you need to get your car?”
    “Yea come on…Tis the maroon Blazer.”
    We walked up to the school when the teacher walked out and saw me. “Ash where are you going where were you?”
    “I was throwing up and now I’m going home I can’t stay I called my mom.”
    “Oh ok hope you feel better!”
    I walked to my care and sat there. “Crap I have to get my stuff.”
    “Don’t worry just say after me ok, Bringith back thy bags.”
    “Bringith back thy books and bags Kry thy minion.”
    “That’s not what I said.”
    “I know I just like saying stuff that naturally comes to me.”
    “Ok well here it comes.”
    Sure enough there was Kry bringing my books and bag. “Ash I had a feeling that told me you needed this do you?”
    “Yes I do thank you Kry. I’m going home so message me on my computer!”
    “Ok get well…”
    “Bye Kry come over later if you want!”
    I drove home and when I got there Daraar asked me which room and I told him then he said. “I will go exploring I will meet you in a bit so you can shower and what not.”
    My house was known as the haunted house just because it was the only one that had normal parents and a gothic child instead of preppy. It was a huge two story that looked like the white house. There was even columns I walked in and there was my personal butler and maid. They greeted me like normal then I said. “Ness go call my mom and tell her I’m home I am sick. Crimson come with me!”
    Ness was my maid who was like my friend. She was short and had black flowing hair. She hated wearing the pink and white outfit so I made her the black and red one she wore now. She always watched over me she was only twenty and looked about my age. Seventeen.
    Crimson was my butler and personal needs as my parents said. He was a home schooled eighteen year old who just graduated and lived in the room next to mine. Little did my parents know we didn’t have any sexual contact though we tried to kiss but that was messed up when Ness walked in.
    Crimson had blood red hair and was spiky. He had red contact but naturally green. He was five foot nine two inches taller than me. He was also ordered to protect me in the house why I wasn’t told. He wore a black tux with a red tie. He fallowed me into my room.
    “Crimson do you know anything about me?”
    “No mam not even your parents I am learning as we talk. Though it’s been two years I have not met my bosses.”
    “Thank you now can you make my bath water?”
    He walked into my bathroom and started the water how I like it then walked out. He looked at me and questioned, “Ash what’s wrong?”
    “I…I…well just take off my clothes I know you want to and I’m tired of just sitting there watching you peek in the bathroom.”
    He blushed then I stood up in my black dress that looked very old like in those old western movies. He came up and untied the front and back then it dropped. I was in my black underwear now and it was cold. It didn’t help the situation any. He came up behind me and started undoing my bra while hugging me.
    He started to fondle me. Then he put his hand down my underwear and started to finger me. I started to get a little into it. Little did anyone know Crimson was the one I almost popped my cherry with when we first met. He started to kiss me and licked my neck. He kept doing this when I remember Daraar that was a big turn off. “Um Crimson Ness should be here soon just undress me at least you’ll be able to see me!”
    He did and actually got a nosebleed I thought that wasn’t even possible but it obviously was. I laughed then walked into the bathroom and got in. I started thinking to myself after turning the water off.
    You know what…Crimson doesn’t really turn me on much less make me want to do him. Am I that weird? I wonder what turns me on? Oh well…Crimson is nice but I don’t want to loss it to him especially since it was like rape pretty much the first time. I couldn’t stop him but I could stop those girls…I wonder why.
    Hey if me being a witch is true then are there dragons and fairies and stuff I mean I thought it might be true and all but this proves it! Well this is great I better look it up in the library.
    I washed my body and hair then got out and put on my underwear and robe. Sitting there on my bed was Daraar and next to him was Ness. Ness had no clue but was looking at me funny. She got up then asked, “Are you ok do you have a temperature? Here let me take it!”
    She put the thermometer in my mouth and when it beeped she took it out. “One hundred degrees Fahrenheit a low grade fever you should stay home today and tomorrow I will call the Misses for you. Just call when you need me!”
    I fallowed her out and walked to the library while Daraar fallowed. When I got there I went to the W section and found a whole shelf about them. I pulled them down one by one and found a book titled Ash.
    I looked at that one first. There on the first page it said and I quote. “Ash is one of the powerful witch’s that helped vampires and other creatures that returned her with gifts. She was showered with power pretty much.
    To our knowledge she is reincarnated every time she dies and returns in a body just like hers that has the same personality. She has blood red hair and is not very social. She always wears black, red, purple, and other dark colors. She is very beautiful and has no intention of hurting others but does when hurt herself.
    She is very cunning and is hard to find. She is very dangerous and needs to be sought after. To finder her on her eighteenth birthday give her a silver cross with the blood of a tree. If she puts everyone in the room asleep you kill her with everything you have. We do not know what kills her.
    Take her life make that witch DIE and BURN her.”
    I couldn’t read anymore there on the front of the book it read that it was published in 1725. It was torn up and old but the pages inside were brand new almost. I went to the next book. It was about Wicca’s and how to kill them. All the books were about how to kill a witch.
    I sat there amazed. Then I sat there angry. I just sat there fuming I wanted to punch something so I did I punched the book shut! I looked around and Daraar wasn’t there. I went walking around and ended up in the attic with Daraar. “Hey lets go through this stuff!”
    And we did I found some stuff like a black leather journal that was blank and had a close thing on it. It looked like a book though one of those really big old ones. Then we found a necklace that I liked it was a silver chain with a little white crystal at the end of it. I put it on and hid it behind my robe we left and went down to the basement.
    We looked around but there was only gardening supplies. So we went into my room with the book and I sat there. “Daraar I think I should move out do you know any places that are for sale? I saved up enough money for college, a new car, and also a house.”
    “100,000 dollars are not going to buy what you want but if you want to lay low there is my old abandoned house in the forest.”
    “Lets get to it!”
    I called my mom and told her I was moving out she refused but I told her I would keep in touch and be back for my birthday. She decided it was ok. We got my things packed then drove to the house.
    It was a small two-story cabin that was very creepy looking. I liked it a lot. I walked in and found it was very neat. There was only dust and cobwebs it looked like the spiders were there too but I didn’t mind. When I went into the rooms they were all empty.
    “Why is everything gone?”
    “Oh they burnt it…the house just happened to appear again the next day!”
    “They burnt the wrong house?”
    “Yes they burnt our maids.”
    I just looked around there were three bedrooms and two baths. There was a kitchen, living room, and an office downstairs. I went to the bathroom and everything was in place. “Did you send it here?”
    “Nope I stopped time it took me a while by the way!
    I just snickered I went around then finally asked. “So can I like touch you or will I go through you?”
    “Depends on if I want to put a spell on myself!”
    “Ok well that’s cool I guess.”
    “Do you want to touch me?”
    “No not unless you want to be human.”
    We sat there in silence while my heart was the only one beating then another one came and started to beet right after mine. I looked up and it wasn’t Daraar he wasn’t moving. I whispered, “Someone is near.”
    There was a knock on the door and I looked at Daraar. He bobbed his head towards the door.