The gazed at her a moment then a deep growl came from it's throat. "What's wrong?" she asked. In a flash it leaped up and attacked. Anna screamed and shut her expecting the wolf to devour her.

    Anna slowly opened her eyes to find a horrible sight....

    Anna starred in utter silence as the creature before her lay still, red blood staining it's silver moonlight fur. "Why?" she whispered, not looking at her father behind her. He grumbled, set the rifle against the stone wall, heaved the wolf over his broad shoulder, and walked queitly back inside, completely ignoring his "daughter." The girl waited a moment then without a soud climbed to her feet. She stumbled along the wall into the house, glancing at the still wolf beside the fire.
    The girl took her red cloak from the coak rack and drapped it across her small shoulders. "Why must father kill what I love most?" she whispered, turning away from the reature of beauty. Suddenly, as if magic lingered in her words, the wolf sprang to life and jolted upwards towards her father. The old man tried to dodge out of the way, but creature's powerful jaws locked down on the fathers neck. The wrinkled man hollered for help, but all Anna and her mother did was stare in horror. Soon enough, the screaming was muffled and then stopped completly.
    The angered wolf bared it's blood stained teeth and snarled at Anna's mother. Anna quickly stood in front of the beast and knelt down beside it. "There there gentle one, we shall not hurt you," whispered Anna, holding her pale skinned hand out. The wolf gave a suspicious look then reluctantly whiffed her hand. He detected a familiar scent then ran off into the dark woods yet again.
    Anna smiled and turned to her mother. Her mother was ghost white, her eyes crazed and wider than plates, her wrinkled, boney fingers tightly wrapped around a knife. "Mother, it's alright now it's-" the girl stopped as her mother began to inch nearer with knife pointed at her.
    "Your just like them...your just one of them!" she shouted, taking a swing at her "daughter." Anna stumbled backwards and glared at the woman before her. She quickly sprinted out the door into the dark forest. "YOUR JUST LIKE YOUR GRANDMOTHER!" hollered her mother's quickly fading voice as she ran.


    As morning came, Anna grew tired of walking. Lost, she whiffed the air for any sign of anything really. She looked down at her feet. Small cuts and brusies were resting upon her weary feet. She sighed and collapsed near a riverbank against the side of an old bark tree. As the peaceful silence drifted about a voice suddenly came from the trees.
    "Well hello there tired pup," rang the voice. A silver haired young man jumped from the tree and stood before Anna, eyes an earthy brown and cocky smile an ivory white. Anna smiled at him and closed her eyes. The young man leaned over and looked over her. "Hey girly, you okay?" he asked. The young girl smiled and nodded.
    "Just resting," she murmured lazily. The silvered hair cocked his head to one side in confusion.
    "Why?" he asked. 'Curious for his age,' she thought as she opened her eyes. As she got a better look of him, he was about her age, maybe slightly older. He smiled graciously at the girl and picked her up in his arms. "Where to little red?" he asked
    The girl smiled whispered "My grandmothers, if you don't mind," she siad, collapsing into a deep slumber.