• "I CAN'T BELIEVE I LET THAT IDIOT GO!!!!" yelled Blaskok.

    "Master, just relax. I'll bandage everything. Now stop screaming." his servant, Bongy, said. Bongy had number 4 green hair, a gray coat and pants. He also had piercing blue eyes.

    "Fine then.... OW, WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING WITH THAT NEEDLE!!!" Blaskok yelled at Bongy.

    "Sorry master." Bongy replied calmly.

    "Why did you have to stop here? It's a gang camp!" Samantha said to Hinr. They were in a camp in the outskirts of the desert. A lone fire was burning out in the middle of the camp, and gang members were plotting something.

    "Just lemme check what they're planning..." Hinr replied. He crawled slowly towards the fire, hoping the darkness would conceal him. When he was close enough, he listened.

    " Yeah, so we're gonna attack Halkagsna first, right?"

    "Yes, and then, we're gonna attack Nevelaina."

    "Battle plans?"

    "Yes. On both castles, I'm planning to send troops from south and north. Since there's a weak spot in the Halkagsna eastern wall, we're gonna blow it up and enter and attack from the inside. In Nevelaina, we can enter from the sewers and take out the king."Hinr was shocked eek . Just then, he felt a bandana on his mouth, preventing him from saying anything. He was then knocked out.

    Hinr woke up in a cell. He was lightly shaken awake.

    "Hinr.... wake up...." someone was shaking him awake. Hinr opened his eyes to see Samantha.

    "Where's dad?" Hinr asked wearily.

    "They're negociating with him. He also doesn't share the same cell as us, so it's just you and me as long as we're in here." Samantha replied. Hinr looked around. The cell had steel wars, no doors or windows, and a lone lantern on the ceiling lighted the room.

    "Um, Hinr... um, I have something to tell you..." Samantha said,"Um well................. I'm in love with you."

    "Oh......." Hinr said. He then grinned,"Me too. I'm in love with you." They then both brought their heads closer and closer together. Eventually, both their lips touched, and they were kissing each other for a pretty long time.

    "I told you I have nothing to do with your brother being a spy." Roche said.

    "Dad, dad, dad... He was recently spotted looking at our battle plans. Guards, take him." Blaskok responded.

    "You'll never get away with this!" Roche said as he was taken away by the guards...