• She sat on top of a water tower, her brown vest matched the rest of her outfit. She screwed in thhe final piece of her invention. A voice rang out behind her "Elyse!" she heard it but simply ignored it. She reloaded her revolver, "What do you want?" she asked the voice "I long to see your face, please stop hiding from me!" It yelled climbing up the rusted white ladder. She looked down to see his face, she turned away and rolled her eyes. "You betrayed me why would I want to see you?" she asked him. "Because I didn't mean too..I'm sorry I didn't believe you" he replied now sitting beside her.
    Elyse placed her braid over her shoulder and placed the Time Piece she called it in her pocket. "Just go away Leon" she said hugging her knees now, "I want to talk too you" He said reaching for her. She only placed the revolver to his head, "Touch me again, It makes me feel cold; Stare at me and it makes me feel weak". She said with so much seriousness in her voice. He shook a little with fear knowing why she was on the run, "I truly am sorry" he said reaching for her hand. He reached and touched her forearm, her skin shivered; he touched her face. She backed up still pointing it at his face, her hand shook violently as some tears fell.
    "Elyse...Take my hand again once more please" he begged her, his brown her now being patted with rain. She backed up again almost on the edge of the tower itself. She still pointed the gun at him "Your false hope, my dream shattered." she stated between breaths. "Listen, if you keep running how will you ever achieve the dreams?" he asked her staring at her with a stern face still with the pleasingness of a child. "You're not part of my dreams anymore Leon" she said as the rain poured down, the lightning flashed. "Elyse! Please!" he called out to her as she was about to pull the trigger, just then lightning almost hit her. She flung off the water tower a wasted bullet tasted the sky alling back down beside her. "Elyse!" he cried out jumping down from it landing on his feet, the pain shook his knees. She barely stood up with the help of the water tower poles.
    "Elyse, listen to me" Leon said, her vision was now blurry as the rain pelted her face. She shook her head as her brown hair covered her eyes and her flowed down her back.