• Chapter 1:

    The Creature, The Girl, and The Plan

    I warn all of you: This story is not to be taken lightly. This is a story of life, death, sorrow, violence (or war), and love.

    I got out of bed and looked around until I found the calendar. I looked at it. It was Monday, November 1st, 2008. That night was a new moon. I walked out of room and got ready for school. I walked downstairs into the kitchen, and there was a note on the fridge from mom. It only said she was gone again. She probably flew to Vegas to deplete her paycheck to $20.00. My mother has problems, and my dad left us when she was pregnant with me. But none of that affected me. I started making myself breakfast.

    My name is Jarred Conners, by the way. At school, I wasn’t popular, but I wasn’t an outcast, either. I’m a 16 year old soft more dude with extremely dark blonde hair. My life was average. My mom never gave a crap for me. I know how to do taxes because she gambles her paycheck. I was even looking for a house for myself. I already had a job. A place was all I needed.

    I ate some cereal, got my backpack, and walked out the door. I got to the bus stop. It was still dark, and a half kind of crescent moon was out. I was just waiting; looking around. Then I heard something move behind me. Then, I heard a growl. I turned around slowly. There, 4 feet away from me, was a 7 foot tall wolf, standing right in front of me on its back 2 legs. It was standing like a human. It took a step towards me. I stepped back. It stopped and stared at me. It- strange enough- started crying. It stared at me- sad yet joyful. It- I have no idea how- growled out longingly,” Jarred.” I stared at it curiously. A pair of lights appeared behind me- the bus. I looked at the lights, then back around. It was gone.

    I turned around slowly and got on the bus. I got in the very front seat. I popped in my headphones for my ITouch and started listening to Hand of Blood by Bullet For My Valentine (one of my favorite bands). I tried to just listen to the music, but I couldn’t stop thinking what was that thing? Then we got to the school.

    I got off the bus and walked to the library. I do that every morning. I was just looking at books, looking for something I haven't read yet (I've read nearly the entire school library). I walked around for a bit, then I thought Maybe I should just read a medical dictionary. Oh wait, I already read that. I laughed to myself. The "X" section was short, but the vowels were a pain in the a**. One word that caught my attention was Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia. That's the fear of long words. Come on, you know they did that on purpose!

    I looked until I was confident I had read every book in the library. I sighed and turned around. I decided to just settle for the Harry Potter books. I'd probably finish them that night. I walked up to the checkout counter. I was about to speak, when a girl's voice behind me said,"Excuse me, but can I cut in?" I turned around, and it was Kaitlyn, a girl in my class. I stared at her for 2 seconds and said,"Yeah, sure. Go ahead." She walked in front of me and checked out her books. I never took my eyes off of her, even when she walked out the door. The librarian snapped me out of the trance. "Mr. Conners.""Huh," I replied.
    "Your books."
    "Oh, right."

    I checked out the books and walked out of the library. I thought to myself Why am I constantly thinking about her? Well, that's a stupid question. I already know the anwer to that. The bell rang and I walked to my math classroom and got in my seat. My friend, Alex, was sitting beside me. At the end of class, we both talked and joked and all that for a bit, then he went serious and said,"So,
    when are you planning to make your move?"

    "hmm. I don't know. Lunch?"

    "And how will you do that? You sit at opposite ends of the table."

    "That's where you come in. You can arrange it. You're popular. You can stir up something. And please make it the seat across from me."

    "Alright, fine. But if the answer is yes, Jarred, you owe me big time."

    "Thanks man." The bell rang and everyone got up but me. I just stared at Kaitlyn. I was last to leave. I walked out the door and I thought Will Kaitlyn say yes?

    The Council of 13


    Dredrick ran into the meeting room and kneeled. Urubaexian, back facing the wall, looked at him and said," Dredrick, you saw our subject before the intended time. I should have you boiled from the inside out for this, but if you tell me why you acted on free will, I will spare you." A few moments passed. Dredrick, head lowered, said,"Forgive me, my lord, but I wanted to see my son at least once before he was brought into our world."