• In a shrine located in Japan every year they hold a festival. It was called the Butterfly Festival. Every year people gather and watch the butterflies migrate. One day a little girl caterpillar named Yuu, she didn’t what to be a butterfly like the rest of the caterpillars. “Why don’t you want to be a big beautiful butterfly?” asked one of the caterpillars. “I don’t’ want to migrate all around and be always moving.” Yuu replied. “What do you want to be?” another caterpillar asked. “I want to be human!” Yuu said with joy. Then all of the caterpillars laughed and teased at her dream. She took no mind to what they said and crawled away.

    Days passed and it was time for Yuu to make her cocoon. When she was in her cocoon she prayed to God every day to be human. Then on her last day of being in her cocoon God answered her. “Yuu,” He said “If I make you human you have till the end of the Butterfly Festival to find someone, or you will be turned back into a butterfly. You understand?”. “Yes lord but who is this someone?” Yuu asked. “He will be the one that can see your silver wings.” Suddenly the cocoon grew smaller and smaller. Then Yuu burst out of the cocoon. She felt so tall and ash he looked at herself in the pond water she say that she was human. She had long pale blond hair, bright blue eyes that looked as blue as the water and her skin was soft and peach. Then she saw her silver wings on her back. “So what do you think?” God asked. She spun around and said “Oh! It is everything I imagined! Thank you!” It was late in the night and there was a full moon. The light from the moon shown on her wings and made them shine. “Now sleep my child tomorrow is a new day rest and be happy.” Then Yuu did as she was told, naked she laid on the grass next to the pond and fell asleep.

    When she woke it was late morning and she found herself wearing a light purple kimono with silver butterflies all over it and her hair was tied in a pony tail with a light purple hair tie. Then she heard people talking and laughing like they were having a good time. She walked through the forest following the noise, soon she found herself and the festival. Her eyes grew with amazement as she looked around at all the different games and foods that were there. Then she noticed that she was holding a basket, “Here is a basket reach in when you want to buy something and I will pay.” said God. She nodded yes to God’s word and headed into the festival.

    Time passed and Yuu was having so much fun. The clouds started to roll in and she was getting worried. She knew that Butterflies couldn’t fly in the rain and she was scared something would happen to her if she got wet. As Yuu walked to another booth a boy named Shiro saw her while he was working. Shiro was an average height young man, his hair was brown not too short and not too long. His eyes were green and looked like emeralds, and his kimono was not very showy. Shiro’s family owned the shrine and ran the festival. Shiro had a special power, he could see things that others couldn’t and he always heard a voice inside him say to look for the girl with the silver wings ever since he was small. As he turned to get a better look and Yuu, which he thought was very beautiful, he saw she did have silver wings. Shiro was shocked and unsure, he followed her for a long time and noticed that no one else noticed her wings like he did.

    Finally he built up enough courage to talk to Yuu.” Excuse me.” He said taping her shoulder. “You…You have beautiful wings.” Shiro said shyly. Yuu looked surprised “You can see them?” Shiro nodded when suddenly it started to rain. “Ah-I can’t get wet!” Yuu said frightened at the rain and wrapped herself around Shiro. “Don’t worry we can go under the edge of the shrine. He grabbed her hand and they both ran toward the shrine. When they reached the covering it was raining really hard, they both sat down on the steps. Shiro noticed that they were still holding hands he blushed and was going to let go but Yuu held on tighter! Then she turned to Shiro, “You can see my wings?” She asked again. “Yes I can. They are the most beautiful wings in the whole world.” He hesitated. “I can see things no one else can and ever since I was little I have heard a voice that told me to look for the girl with silver wings. To look for you.” Yuu started to get teary eyed. “And God told me to look for the boy that can see my wings!” Suddenly their pinkies started to glow and a red string started to appear. Then God Said “You two are bound be the string of fate, you are true lover. Please be happy.” They both looked at the string and one another. Yuu was crying with joy and Shiro smiled. Their heads got closer and closer together until the kissed. “Yuu You are bound to this man and now you are human but you and your future generations to come will all have silver wings so you never forget where you come from.” She smiled and nodded, Shiro wiped her tears away and said. “Yuu so that is your name. Mine is Shiro nice to meat you.” “Nice to meet you too.” Yuu said back. Then they kissed again, holding hands, under the roof of the shrine, in the Butter fly Festival.