• “as I wake up to the sun falling in the sky just thinking “another day wasted”

    Hi my name is Jayden, I’m just a normal seventeen year old boy with family trouble. My mom works 2 jobs to support me and my father who doesn’t do anything but drink all day. So I try to avoid him at all times but its hard to do that when he busts into my room just to tell me how I ruined his life or how worthless I am. So all I can do is sit there and stare at him with fear in my eyes, trying to hold back tears his stinging words are causing. My dad has never liked/loved me ever he wasn’t even there when I was born. When he gets drunk he goes into drunken rages and hits me or my mom non stop. The rage that had gone on the night before was really bad.

    Mom called and told us she had to work a double and wouldn’t be home tonight. Dad didn’t like it and stormed out of the house and to the local bar which I didn’t really mind because it was just me. It was about eleven when he stumbled back trough the door not even fully through the damn door he was already calling for me to get my a** down stairs before he came upstairs, I didn’t want that because last time he did he threw my xbox 360 against the wall. So I came down the stairs as fast as I could so that he wouldn’t get any madder at me. I was on the last step and all of a sudden I saw a fist just before it hit me in the face. I fell down the last step hitting my head off the hard wood floor. I lay there clutching my head trying to make the splitting pain go away when he kicked me mid stomach. It felt like some one was drilling a hole in my skull and stabbing me in the chest it just hurt so bad. He left me laying there in the middle of the hall way curled in a ball and left. I made my way back to my room and curled up in a ball on my bed thinking “why me? I didn’t do anything to deserve this!!!”. the last thing I remember was thinking “ I just want to die” then I blacked out.


    I woke up in the hospital 3 days later with my mom asleep by my side her face all puffy from crying for me. “mom” I whispered softly at the sound of my voice she jumped slightly and looked up at me as a single tear fell from her eyes. “what’s wrong with me?” I asked softly so not to startle her again. “you have a mild concussion and 4 broken ribs” she said quietly “where’s dad” I almost screamed. She looked away and said quietly “he got away Jayden” I just looked at her a shocked expression on my face. “I’m so so sorry Jayden” she apologized and that’s all I remembered of that day.