• i was walking home as it started to rain. i stopped in front of the old lake and took off my jacket and shoes. i let the cold mud of the earth slide in between my toes. the rain was cold , but burned me like fire it felt like every rain drop was electricity shocking me with every little touch. i sighed and ran and let the cold wind whip my face and my hair was like iceicles on my back. i jumped off the bridge and into the water to pull me down under into the rain. the pain was numbing and confusing. the face i saw was like something ive never seen before. it was so beautiful that i was gasping for air i had my hand on my throat the water was in every part of me now pulling me in closer and closer into my death. it was whispering my name and everything was nothing but a black pit. the water was working its ways to kill me.i could feel my heart being squished every time i tried to breathe it felt as if it was going to pop out. i tried to regain my strength to pull myself back up from my death , but it was to late now the water was to strong and it was already done with its process to kill me. i would never see the beautiful face again. was it my angel? is it God? i tried harder and harder now to try and live. it was too late.. i took my last breathe and let the burning numbing water kill me. i was.. dead. at least i thought i was. it was just a dream. i looked at my clock, it was five thirty am.i decided to get up out of bed, because i was afraid of having that horrible dream again. i wanted to deam the same dream again just to see the beautiful face i just didn't want to die. i strecthed and looked outside it was dark as usual. i got up and walked down the hall to the bathroom. i washed my face and thought of the face.when i looked in the mirror it was standing behind me. i worked up the strength to let out the best scream i could manage, so i screamed so loud it hurt my ears. it disappeared. my mother came running into the room with a bat."are you ok honey" she was looking around and pushed me out of the way to get a better view of the bathroom "ya mom im fine i just saw a.....spider yep a spider nasty little vermin" i managed to come up with a quike lie hoping she would believe me so i wouldn't have to tell her the real reason. i would tell her , but theres a huge chance she'll think im crazy and send me to therapy. i got dressed and walked down to the lake in my dream.i put the same clothes to see if i would see the person or whatever it was in my dream.i walked down to the old mill lake. i sat at the end of the bridge and let the winter breeze cool my burning cheeks. i closed my eyes and let the wind carry me away. "hi" it was unexpected so i jumped and stood up. "hi im joe" he looked at me. i thought to my self oh my gosh! it's the face its himthe one i've been dreamng of for the past month.my dream has finally come true. "hi my name is Andy, well andrea ,but i prefer Andy". ilooked at him while screaming in my head. "cool so why are you sitting on the bridge so early today?" he looked at me withe questions in hs eyes that would have taken hours to answer. "um......you know just thinking i like the breeze and the cold" i tried to sound positive because i new he could see right through me. "do you wanna um... i don't know maybe go out with me like to dinner or pssh i dont know". he said blushing so red that i wanted to laugh. are you trieing to ask me out on a date by any chance? i said it looking at him straight in the eyes. umm....no pssh were would you get that from?... yes, yes i am so will ya? um go out with me...ya..? he looked embressed.um... sure i answered id love to. he walked closer to me so, close that i was literally on the edge of the bridge ready to fall at any second if he came closer. "ahhhh oh my gosh ahhh..." he didn't relize that if got closer i would fall. well it was obviuos now. you wanna know why he dint relize that until now. he found that out when he saw me fall into the freezing ice winter water. now i wish that i took swimming lessons over the summer. "i can't swim help... (i was gasping for air now) help.." i didnt know what to do now scream?, paddle? it was official iam officially STUPID. "andy? andy? are you ok? can you hear me hello?" the voice wasn't familiar it was soothing warm and gentle. i coughed to get what was the remaining of my burning lungs out. i opened my eyes to a boy it was joe. he had no shirt on in this weather. it was so cold , but yet he was so warm. he was holding me. i think he gave me mouth mouth rsesatation. he was wet from head to toe and he had put his jacket on top of me. he was holding me gingerly in his two musulear arms. his eyes were a beautiful hazel golden brown he had black hair it was wavy and long it was almost touching his shoulders , but a couple inches shorter. he was abot five or six feet. he was beautiful, but not as beautiful as the god in my dream. or is he? maybe if i learn more about him or whatever i need to know so i can find my "pRINCE CHARMING"ha! i wish... oh ya maybe i should answer him or should i wait for him to give me cpr again? Na., i should answer him. i coughed to make it more dramatic. "ya i can hear you ugh..mhmmm" i tried to get out of his arms to stand up, but he was to strong i was squirming now. i dint feel comfortable now it was ... akward to have a half naked guy holding you. "uhhh...can you let go of me?'' i said trieing to get out again. "oh ya sorry your just so... so never mind" he let his arms loose when i was squirming still. "owww, thanks ok dude are youy trieing to kill me first you drown me and then try and give me a concusion?! dude make up your mind do you want me dead or alive?" i was rubbing my head now. "oh sorry i didnt mean too.... sorrry!!!!!" he was helping me up now.