• I guess that you could simply call this a stream of consciousness... Eh, do what you will. I'm bored. So, I'm going to just throw my opinions about the place.
    I've never been really anymore befuddled than I am in this stage of my life. I just can't comprehend the simplest things that this tiny world has to offer. I'd give you an example, but I'm sort of/kind of blank minded at the moment sweatdrop . Sorry. But what I'm trying to get at is(I think..) that why do people care that much about others' lives? Honestly, are their lives that boring that they have to constantly ask the most ridiculous of questions? If so, I don't mean to sound disagreeable, but you should either find something more entertaining than other people's business, or go die. I mean, why bother living if you just...are that bored?