• Jaws is muscular and is 18. Jaws stays out of the sun. He has black eyes and white hair like ice. He has had white hair ever since he was one year old. He has wandered alone for 40 years to this present day of 2030.
    Jaws has to stay alive by hunting people down every night. Jaws used to be happy. He used to be joyful, then he didn’t age after 18. Jaws saw his friend run away from him, and then killed. He turned into a “dark boy” to just stay away from anyone closest to him like his family. He wanted more then anything to be normal again… to be 19! So, here he is today: mad and sad, every night. He closes his eyes and sees blood then, opens his eyes. And realizes he was sweating and crying. When he couldn’t stop, he would leap up and…hunt again.
    Then one night he closed his eyes and he didn’t see anything, just the back of his eyelids. When he opened them again, he needed to find a way out of this horror movie. He needed to find his parents to see if they were still alive and then to see how this happened to him. He made up his mind. He was going back home to London. Back to his roots where this thing all started. First, he had to go into town to see were he was and to get some money. Jaws stared at the store while planning his attack. He smelled six people in there. “Too bad for them,” he thought. He knew he was the only one coming out alive, but where to hide the bodies? His jaw clenched. He wanted to make a mess of this place, but thought it would be easier to burn the building down after the robbery. It was time to go.
    “Good day sir,” the clerk said, as Jaws walked through the door, staring at the clerk. Jaws saw him take a step back. He didn’t say anything, just went to the back. By the time the next person came to the clerk to be rung up, Jaws was gone with the money and the store was in flames. “Good day,” Jaws chuckled to himself and ran off down the road to London. A day later he was right outside the city of London and he needed to feed. So, he stood in the middle of the highway to wait. Then a hot red mustang came around the corner. The last thing that that family ever saw was a rough beautiful man with the palest skin they had ever seen; his jet black eyes with red rings around them and a smile.
    Jaws’ was halfway into the city, walking down the middle of the road. The streets were alive with partying, was it a celebration? Was it a holiday? It was snowing out tonight; the air was thick with smoke, and body fluids. It reminded him of the time he had to hide in a sewer for a month. He then snapped back to reality and smelled two things out of place: a New York smell in this town, and someone 10 steps behind him.