• Back in ancient Mayan times Cacoch was a girl who tried to get the life she always wanted. The truth, you always can't get everything you want. Cacoch will get her dream life though. This is her story. In the year 1980 B.C. a young girl was born. Her name was Cacoch, she was a very pretty girl. Her parents, Ix and Ah Mun her so happy of a girl being born. Cacoch had coal black hair and choclate eyes. Her skin was like rich caramel. Cacoch had 3 brothers,and 2 sisters. Cacoch was not rich nor poor, but a middle class girl. She had the best friends she could have. Her friends were Tohil and Ac Yanto. These girls always hung out together and promised nothing would come between them. Then one day had changed her life forever, when Cacoch left Tohil's house a man grabbed her. This man took her to his house. When Cacoch got to this house the man had raped her. When she was raped, she felt so uncomfy. The man who had raped had been watching her. Now when this happened Cacoch was 13 yrs. old. The man had wanted to this to her for a long time. This man finally got what he was looking for. A very pretty Mayan girl with flawless features, and who had a great body. If she did not follow his orders she would have gotten killed. When she left, her parents were very worried about her. She had told them what had happened. Her parents were very upset. Then her older brother,Bacab had been killed by Ah Kumix Uinicob, a warrior from the North. Her youngest sister,Mulac, had been molested and killed by a man from the Southern Americas. Cacoch felt like her world was crashing down. Before, she had a family, nice clothes, a good house, and great friends. Tohil comitted sucide. Cacoch only had Ac Yanto and her family now. Cacoch was always there for them. Her father was a Mayan warrior and he was killed. Tepen her grandmother died from diease. Cacoch moved away because her mother says we need a fresh start. So, they left the village of Uxmal and moved to Tikal. After Cacoch and her family left, Ac Yanto killed herself. So, Cacoch had no friends. She just had her family. In Tikal, they lived in a three room apartment. The house had a medium kitchen whitch had a stove. There were large bedrooms, so Ix, her mom got her own bedroom, and Cacoch had to share with her two brothers and sister. One night as Cacoch was getting ready to go to bed her mom came in and told her that she got a job as a merchant so they could start getting money. Cacoch was so happy for her mother. So, when the next day came her mom went to work. Ix's first day went very well. Her mom brought in 900 gold coins! Oh everyone was so happy! Cacoch finally thought her life was getting better. Cacoch got so much nice things! One of the things that she got was a jaded necklace that had gold in it. To go with the necklace she got a gold dress that had jade fabric. The dress draped around her body so beautifully. The dress was cut low in the front. The back was very flowy. To go with her outfit she got gold sandals with a jade jewel in the front. She got to meet the princess too. She became bff's with the princess too. She had finally left her old life. She had a new amazing one. Cacoch also found her one true love, Cojio. When she was 17 yrs. old she married Cojio. Her mom died at 69 yrs. old from starvation, because Ix was not eating. Cacoch was very upset because she had lost her only parent. At 20, she had Uql, a baby girl. Uql had green eyes and, coal black hair like her mom. Cojio and Cacoch were so happy. At age 4, Uql had everything her mom got, a nice house, great friends, cute clothes, and parents who loved her. Then when Uql came home one day, her father had raped her. When Cacoch found out she was so mad because she had been raped too. So Cacoch and Uql moved away to another major city. Then a year after Cacoch and Uql left, Cojio came and killed Uql. Uql was only 5 yrs. old. So this was Cacoch's life now.No family, no home, no friends, no nothing. Then one day as Cacoch was walking down the street a man came up to her and said that she was royalty. Cacoch was shocked. So Cacoch went back to Tikal and sat on her throne. Cacoch's life was amazing. She had everything she dreamed of. Plus all she had left of her parents was the dress she had gotten when she was 14 and, the bejeweled necklace her father and mother got. Cacoch got married again and, had twins. Both of them were girls. One of them were Uxm and Erquie. They were very pretty girls. Her husband was so sweet and caring. Cacoch had gone through a lot in her life. She lost all her family members and her friends. She went through hell to get life she dreamed of. God had finally answered her prays. Cacoch finally found what she was looking for.