• “Ah, Callie! So good to see you again!” announced my hairstylist, Marcus, as I walked into his shop and he led me to his station. “I understand tonight is prom so I have come up with the perfect hairstyle for you. I have also decided to pay for your nails and makeup since tonight is so special. Clarissa will be doing your nails as I work on your hair. Then Nora will be doing your makeup once we are both done. How does that sound?”
    “Wow! Thank you so much Marcus!” I exclaimed.
    As I got used to the pulling of my hair as Marcus created his perfect hairstyle, and the filing and moisturizing of my nails, I closed my eyes and just let it all soak in while I tried to calm my nerves. I knew that I shouldn’t be freaking out about tonight, but I just couldn’t help it. Ever since I was small, I’ve been on the larger side, and people have always made fun of me because of it. At the beginning of this year I decided that I wanted to lose some weight so that I would look good at prom and graduation. So when I went shopping for a prom dress a couple months back, I bought it a size smaller so that I would have a goal. However, I haven’t tried it on since and now prom is here and I have no idea if it’s going to fit or not!
    “What would you like done with your nails Callie?” Clarissa asked, pulling me away from my thoughts.
    “I was thinking of a French manicure.” I replied.
    “Nice choice.” She answered as she went to work. This time I drifted away without even noticing. I began to think about how much fun tonight was going to be. My friends and I rented a limousine, and we’re all going to dinner at a fancy restaurant. After dinner we are going to prom and afterwards all of my girlfriends are coming over for a party.
    “Okay, I’m done. What do you think?” Marcus asked interrupting my thoughts.
    I turned around and looked in the mirror. “Wow! It looks amazing. Thanks so much!” I replied. He had curled my hair and put it into a high ponytail and let my bangs hang down.
    “Nora will now do your makeup and then you are done!” Marcus declared as Nora walked over.
    Forty minutes later I was standing in front of my mirror, ready to put on my dress. Slowly I pulled it over my hips and put the strap around my neck. Just then I heard the doorbell ring and my parents starting a conversation with my best friend Vanessa. I quickly grabbed my purse and ran downstairs, where everybody just stared at me. Finally Vanessa said, “Wow Callie. You look amazing!”
    I turned and looked at myself in the entryway mirror and for the first time in my life I actually believed her.