• The girls had disappeared, who were they? They were ghosts, but not ghosts. Amazed by what had just happened I sat on my headstone. The gate creaked open once more to and old women who laid flowers down by the headstones the girls were dancing on. I leaned over the headstone with the old women who gasped and held her breath. She looked at the dirt path.
    "Why? If they'd only stayed longer!" She began to cry. Her daughter followed her from behind, "Ma, were they here?" She asked.
    "Yes baby..."She began to silence herself and hold in the tears. As they left I looked down at the grave and saw the footprints of the two girls dancing. But the bench was still as cold as ever. The youngest daughter embraced my side when she sat next to me, but I had no feeling to what was cold or not. But I could see the cold vibe urging to break out. The three girls came back out and sat on the flowerbeds near the edge of the pond. I walked over quietly.
    "So who are you guys?" I questioned.
    "Well, I am Lexis, this is Casey the middle child, and that's Baby Mei." Said the oldest. Laughter filled the air as they began to sing and dance around their grave. While the two oldest danced, Baby Mei continued to follow me.
    "We didn't deserve to die. Or at least I didn't." She complained.
    "All we did was push a kid out the window and we fell with her." She said quietly.
    "AND YOU EXPECTED IT WASN'T BAD?!" I wondered.
    "Well..She took our mother's necklace." She giggled.
    The grandmother from before came back and the girls once more disappeared.

    A tall blond haired man stood on top of their gravestone he wore a black cloak with silver chains. "Soul Pipers..." He said seriously.
    "Soul Pipers, the girls you just saw and met were called soul pipers." He explained.
    "And they are what exactly?" I asked.
    "Soul Pipers are lingering spirits that have done something bad and can not be properly laid to rest until they make peace and are forgiven." He frowned.
    "So, am I a Soul-"I said getting cut off.
    "No, you have unfinished business, what I know not of, but you will not be put down until you find and fulfill it." He said quietly.

    What's my unfinished business, and where did this guy come from? Is he dead too? Find out next time!