• Long ago, far away, the Mushroom Kingdom lived in peace.

    Ruled by the fair Princess Toadstool, everyone was happy.
    Until ......

    Overpowered by his envy and rage, the dark lord Bowser overthrew Princess Toadstool.
    Using his minions and treachery, Bowser gained control of the castle, keeping the princess as his hostage.

    The kingdom cried.
    The kingdom fell.

    Those who were friends became foes.
    Tears and anger replaced happiness.
    There was no more love
    and the stars no longer shone.

    And so the mighty Mushroom Kingdom remained this way
    until an odd traveller found his way to it's doorstep.

    He was appalled by the sight of the once-fair kingdom.
    Although no more than a mere plumber, he had within him a couragous and noble heart.

    "I will save the princess and return the kingdom to its previous splendour."
    He promised them as he began his journey, but they had already lost all hope.
    They mourned for him before he was out of their sights.

    The plumber faced many trials and enemies.
    And, horrified by the sight, he came to the castle, shrouded by the evil of Lord Bowser.

    Thwarting and defeating any minions that stood in his way, he made his way to the throne room.
    Bowser was already waiting, the princess and her servants trapped behind him.

    "I saw you coming, hero. We will fight, and you shall not win.
    The mighty Bowser will not fall to a plumber."
    With a wave of his wand, Bowser's wizard caused the stone floors to melt into hot magma.
    And the two started their battle.

    Although Bowser was a fierce enemy, using dirty tricks to knock the plumber to his feet,
    the plumber, too, had learned how to fight and defend himself.
    The dark king hadn't forseen this,
    and soon fell to his knees, begging for mercy.

    "You are cruel and evil, Bowser, but all deserve a second chance."
    However, as the plumber reached out his hand, the battleground began to crack
    and the evil lord fell, pulling his wizard down with him.
    Lord Bowser was no more.

    Although saddened by the death, the plumber ran to where the princess and her servants were kept.
    After breaking the locks, Princess Toadstool embraced the plumber, thanking him for his bravery.
    "Surely you will stay here in the castle, with me and my servants, and rule the kingdom with me?"
    Taken by the princess' honesty and beauty, the plumber fell madly in love.

    "I'm sorry, dear princess, but I must refuse the offer with a heavy heart,
    for I am a plumber and you are a princess.
    Although we are both pure and true, it cannot be just yet."

    Smiling, the princess understood.
    "It is alright, noble sir.
    I will invite you again for cake in the future.
    However, you have saved the kingdom, and no one knows what to call you by.
    Do tell - what is your name?"

    And the kingdom was happy.