• I ran as fast as I could from them but they always caught up. Yes Angel. Of corse. Why is life so hard. Mabey high school seems amazing to get into once you first think. Its not. Its rough. If your overweight they will tease you. Then if you get to skinny they will just think your a skinny fool. Why couldn't i stay in elementry my whole life? Man ill tell you its so .... Horrible. But yeah why mom? Why again did you have to bring me here. Oh yeah and by the way I met my mom. She didn't kill herself. She ran away. She was very ... Um Momish. I still don't live with her but I somtimes talk to her. She pays my rent >.<. Angel was still running after me. Why you ask? Well she was talking to this ugly butt-head and he kissed her and she smiled then I called him a jerk and she freaked. I turend into a alley and caught my breathe.... Hiding in a bush.

    Angel: UGHHH... were are you?! God I ain't goona hurt'cha. Humph. COME HERE

    She walked away, I came out of the bush and she turned her head.

    The end of chapter