• She stood looking out the window of her penthouse apartment. The sky was a glorious sight. It held somewhere close to a billion current visible stars. Plateus sat high, a gloriious golden color above all of San Fransisco II. If she looked to the left she could see the blueish silver cast of Carol, Earth III's second moon. Plateus and Carol were named for two of Earth II's most famous mystiks. Her great grandparents. She was Andromeda Mars. She knew that both had died in fatal accidents. But she knew little else about them. Andromeda had been born three months after the emergency depopulation of Earth Mach II. Her great Grandmother, who at the time was one hundred and twelve (they had found ways to preserve life in the year two thousand and five), and her great grandfather had both discovered a plot to destroy all of human exsitance. There had been no way to stop the plot so every human being that was on the planet had been put on a rocket and ported to a space station that orbited earth just above each of their own countries. Andromeda and her twin sister Mercury had been born on January first in the year twenty-one-thirty-three on the Space Station Enterprise IV. She and her sister lived on the space station with their parents, Amber and Mattew Mars, for six years. Andromeda didn't remember much about her life in space but she did know that she had been named for Andromeda Galaxy and her sister had been named for the planet closest to the sun, Mercury. When the two of them were six years old Earth Mach III was finaly ready to populate. She was now twenty-three years old and lived on her own in Califoria. She and her sister, like both of their parents, were ambassadors to other planets. Each state had two ambassadors in the political area. Andromeda and Mercury were the two for Califoria. Andromeda had been sent to Helios to establish an alliance between the two planets. She had only gotten home three hours ago. She now stood waiting for word from Mercury. Her twin had been sent to Orpheus, Earth III's third moon. The only of the three that was inhabited. Mercury had been sent to the moon to deal with a matter that involved the politics of Earth III. As she stands at the window, behind her a bell-like buzzer goes off. It is her holophone. Turning she walks over to her coffee table and reaches into her handbag. She pulls out an object the size of her thumbnail. Pressing a blinking button the object opens to the length of her middle finger. With a sigh she puts one end in her ear and presses another button, "Hello?" She spoke into the other end. "Andromeda?" At once her sister's appearance formed infront of her, "Mercury, are you home yet?" She asked quickly. "Yes, my shuttle just landed and I am on the way to the apatment." Andromeda sighed, "Okay, see you in the morning then." There was a quick beep and then a woman's voice, "Call ended." She took the piece out of her ear and dropped it back in her bag as it folds back into its smaller state. Walking to her door she punches in a few numbers on the keypad locking the door and touches a small pad next to the first shutting off all lights in the room. As she made her way to her bed room she snapped her fingers causing the metal shade to close over the glass wall that is her window. Without a backwards glance she goes off to bed.