• The blood dripped through my pale, white fingers like a red, crimson river. I stared at it, transfixed by it's colour. The open wound didn't hurt but I felt a tight pain in my chest as I pulled my eyes from the alluring sight at the photo that taunted me from the pale-blue dresser. Blue ice stared back at me with a teasing grin and I was suddenly angry. I screamed as I curled my hand into a fist and punched the frame until the glass cut deep into my knuckles.
    “Alex, what are you doing?” A light shone through my window, highlighting my golden eyes. I looked up to find a familiar voice climbing through the window. Lisa looked at me then at my palm, now cradled in my lap. The blood seeped through my dark-blue jeans and it felt warm. In the four years since I had been turned it was the first time I felt truly cold. No, I felt like ice, a statue. Just a pretty thing in an ugly existence. I hated it.
    “where did you find that knife? Jason will kill you if he found out.” Lisa did a once over of the darkened room and as she pulled out her phone and carefully made her way around the clothes strewn on my floor. I flinched as the glare from the light she switched on as it hit my eyes. My eyes slowly adjusted and I looked at the knife sitting on my bed where it had fallen 5 minutes ago after I had thrown it across the room. It was true, Jason would kill me if he found it. But he wasn't going to.
    The hilt was a pale, grass green and was worn with use and age. A pattern was etched into the silver blade, now covered in blood, that was two snakes intertwined. The silver blade was made of a special silver found only deep in forest of the Amazon, but the cave was no longer there. It vanished without a trace taking any hope for the trackers to find a source of killing us. There was an inscription but I didn't know what it translated into. It was the only blade in the world that could harm a vampire and I had it. Not a good mix.
    I could hear a faint heartbeat from down the street but I didn't pay any attention to it. I was more attuned to the quickened beat of the heart standing a few center meters from me. It quickened that much more as I looked up into Lisa's blue green eyes and smile, showing my teeth. It stopped for half a second, enough for me to know that she was scared, and she said, “Come.......come on Alex. That's not funny.” she hesitantly pulled her gaze from mine to look down at the phone she was holding in trembling hands. I heard the faint beeping as she scrolled through the numbers reflected in her eyes. She put the phone to her ear and turned away before saying, “yes, Jason. I found her. No, she is fine, I mean as fine as she could be.” I could hear Jason start yelling and smirked to Lisa's back.
    I looked down at my palm, still cradled in my hand as if it were a fragile baby, in my lap. The wound had faded to a faint pink line. “I am being dead serious Lisa. Do...Not...Let...Her...Go. Under no circumstances are you to let her get away from you!” my head snapped up at Jason's voice. It wasn't his usually angry tone, there was an edge to it that made me suddenly wary.
    Lisa looked back at me and said, “how come? Wait, let me guess....” I looked away through the window at the faint pink glow as the sun started to come out of hiding. “Okay, let me guess once more.......Hinata.”
    my head snapped up instantly as I heard that and I looked Lisa cold dead in the eye as a vision raced through my head. A black haired, red eyed, young girl filled my head. The edges of my vision turned red as I got more angry. I slowly stood up and in an instance I was at the door pulling a black coat over my bare shoulders.
    “s**t. Alex, come back!” Lisa closed her phone with a simple flick of her wrist and quickly followed me out into the cold air. I took a deep breath as she caught up to me in a matter of seconds. “Alex, what are you going to do?” she stood in front of me but I wasn't looking her in the face. “There is only one thing I can do,” I looked her in the eye, “I'm going to have to drag Jess into this.” Lisa looked shocked at my suggestion.
    See, Jess is a former tracker and we haven't really gotten on very well lately. Well, ever actually. She is a small tanned blonde with an extremely foul temper. Sort of like me Lisa said but I think that is why we don't like each other, we are too alike. Oh, and sort of because I kind of, didn't mean to, by accident, killed her boyfriend.
    I stated to walk towards a 7/11 and walked straight past the shop keeper into the storage closet inside. Jess was standing behind a counter, cleaning an M1-80. How she got an M1-80 I don't really want to know but I do know it packs quite a punch when used.
    She looked up and gave me a glare from across the room. It felt like ice daggers stabbing me in the heart to see her look at me with such hate. “What are you doing here?” She put her gun down and leaped up to sit on the counter top with a single light bound.
    “Well, first off I need some weapons, and second......... “ I stopped speaking and looked away. Lisa spoke for me, “It's Hinata.” I couldn't see her but I hear in her voice a slight hesitation as she said Hina....that girls name. I couldn't even think her name without getting hysterical.
    I looked back at Jess and looked at the new gun in her hand. It was little and obviously very light because she was flinging from hand to hand without a single strain of a muscle.
    “What is that gun?” I pointed to the little gun and looked around the room and walked over to a tray of little spheres. I picked one up and noticed that it had a button on the center. “Careful love, open the blades and it makes quite a bang.” She smirked and she opened a book and started flicking through the pages. “Good to know.” I picked up several and put them in a little pocket on my belt. I picked up a string of bullets and looked back at Jess with a hard stare.
    “Tell me Jess,” she looked up from her book, “how long have you been in the business of killing you own kind?” She flinched as she slowly remembered that she was in fact a fellow vampire.
    “Hey, I have done what is needed to survive. If that means a few less vampires then I am happy to supply UV rounds to Hunters and Trackers.” she looked back down to her book and I think she found what she was looking for because she smiled before saying, “$188000 hun.”
    “What?! Are you insane?” Lisa stepped back into a shelve of machine guns. I walked over to Jess and pulled out a roll of hundred dollar bills and dealt out $300000 to her before saying, “keep the change,” I turned around and walked over to a shelf of bullets, “and I also want some of these.”
    I walked straight past Lisa and said over my shoulder, “Keep the change.”
    I clicked some bullets into the small gun and hid it in my boot for later on. Walking as fast as I could I walked to my car, opened the door, sat on the seat and turning around to face the seat I ripped the cloth that held me apart from what I wanted. After 2 minutes of ripping I sat back and admired what I found, a stack of guns, grenades, knifes and daggers galore.