• The light that reflected off the window and onto her face illuminated her bright purple eyes. She stood there looking out the window as the rain fell on it streaking it with water.
    I walked behind her and put my arms around her waist, and rested my head on her back as I softly whispered "I love you" in her ear.
    She jumped a little startled at my sudden show of affection, but then she slowly wrapped her arms around mine. She looked up at me through the red streak in her hair and smiled a half smile before wrapped her arms around my neck and pulling my face down to hers. When our lips met I made sure to put all my passion into it, and as our mouths formed together I could tell she was doing the same.
    I spun her around lightly and pressed her against the window frame. I parted our lips and looked down at her. She stared at me with her warm loving eyes and intwinded her fingers with mine and pressed her body against mine and rested her head on my chest. I pressed my lips to the top of her head and sighed.
    "I love you, alot." She said in her soft velvet voice that I had come to admire and love over the past 5 months.
    "I love you too, Ray." I whispered back.
    "Do you have to go?" She asked. I felt a drop of water roll off her cheek and onto my arm.
    "I dont want to, but I have to." I said as I stared at a large bus that had just pulled up along the country house that we stood in.
    "Promise me one thing, k?" Her voice had given in to the stiffled sobs that she cried.
    "Depends on what it is."
    "Dont die, ok, please come back home."
    "I-I can't lie to you." I said as I held her close to me.
    I could feel her body shake with every sob that came from her. A tear managed to escape my body and it ran down my cheek. I pushed her back from me and smiled at her. She ran her hand along the front of the military suit I wore. She smiled a half hearted smile back at me.
    I turned around and grabbed the beige hat that sat on the dresser and put it ontop of my blood red hair.
    I turned back to her and held her right hand and kissed her lightly on the lips. I started to walk awayholding her hand until we couldnt reach and just left her hand hanging by her side.
    I grabbed the two small suit cases that sat my the door and walked out of rhe house and to the waiting bus. I ignored the other passengers, who all wore the same uniform as me, as they gawked at me. I just sat sat down and stared out the window at Ray as she walked out into the rain, in only the small dress she had been wearing, crying as the bus started up and started to drive.
    As we left the lot I could see her as she fell to her knees holding herself as if to keep herself from falling apart.
    When I couldnt watch anymore I turned around to face the back of the seat in front of me. I put my head in my hands as let the tears I had been hiding from her escape and fall onto the metal floor beneath me.....

    will continue later hav to go sry!!