• i stood there...i felt my rage build...i stood there to experince what no one should...each of my high school friends left me...one by one...they stopped sending text messages...then some of my close friends stopped visiting me at my house...then finally...they were gone...i felt something was happening...i look down...i see my legs disappearing...then my arms...i had become the dust...i then materialized elsewhere...over the next few days...i learned to manipulate the dust...i finally had the means to use my rage on the people who destroyed my very purpose...i went to penn state...there i found one of my former close friends...he was in the library...reading Leo Tolstoy's War and Peace by the library's large window...i materialized by him...i waved my hands in a circlar fashion...i was gathering the dust..then i unleashed it on one concetrated point..in this case him...the energy hit him hard..he flew out of the window and hit the ground three floors down...the whole library paniked...but they could not see me...i stood there...looking down on his lifeless body...then i walked away...i became the dust...the murder case was closed a few days later...the Police could not find the perpetrator...the trail had gone cold from day one of the investigation...me, i am part of the dust...materialize when i need to be...i fly the skies as the dust...i have turned to dust...