Chapter One 'BreakingEden'
Chapter One;
Taken with Nothing to Hide
I walked in to my apartment and threw my key on the table.
The answering machine was flashing; I ignored it at first and took off my jacket and shoes. I walked back into the kitchen and stared at the machine for the longest time before I finally pressed the large orange button.
“Rayne, we need you down at the precinct right away. We have another murder.” That was it, short and sweet. Damn I loved when Striber called me.
I glanced at the clock and shook my head. “I really need to get a new job.” I grumbled underneath my breath.
I walked to the sink and grabbed a can of cat food from the cupboard. “Sipher,” I cooed. “Mama’s got to leave again so I am going to put your food down on the floor.” I opened the can and placed it on a paper plate.
I looked around and wished how I could sleep and maybe have a day off, but the way these Vamps were moving I knew I wouldn’t be sleeping for a while.
I put on my tennis shoes and grabbed a light jacket, chanses were high that the crime scene was gonna be bloody and cold. The last stop was getting my keys, but I lingered in the dark hallway for a little while longer.
By the time I got to the crime scene the sun was peeking over the tip of the tall trees.
“What happened here?” I asked as I slipped my hand into a pair of white rubber gloves.
One of the officers looked up at me. he was young, older then me but young. “You’re a police officer?” he questioned.
I pulled out my badge from under my blouse and shoved it in his face as I walked by. “Never mind I will see for myself.” I hissed.
The younger cop backed off and then whispered softly to the other cop. “She can’t be over the age of 24,” He said.
I shook my head and kept walking down the muddy hill. There were vines broken around the corpse, so they had to of had a hell of a time getting it down here.
Madison Strieber's new intern was standing above the body with a pad of paper in one hand and a pen in the other.
“Are there any neck wounds?” I asked as I stepped over marker number four, and stood next to her..
“Yes four actually, not all on the neck though.” She whispered as she lifted up the clear plastic, with a pair of tongs.
The smell hit me so fast that I barely had time to cover my nose. I looked down and saw that it was already decomposing. The skin was dry and wrinkly where is only was a few hours old. “Drained, not the work of older vampires.” I whispered, as looked up at Madison. “Has anyone else been down here?” I asked waving my hand telling her that she could let go of the plastic.
“Only Strieber,” She whispered. “But he comes to all the 'Vampiric' cases before anyone else.”
I nodded silently as knelt down, almost instantly I noticed a white paper, wedged between the arm and the torso. “Hand me the tongs?” I hissed as I kept my eyes on the paper, I could tell that it was drenched in some type of fluid but I really couldn’t tell if it was blood or some other bodily fluid.
Madison handed me the small silver tongs and shuddered as I plucked the paper out of between the body parts. “Honey,” I whispered. "If you are squeemish around dead bodies, I say that you have picked the wrong feild in the wrong city." I stated grabbing a bag the bag from my pocket.
Madison gave out a little squeak.
“Right,” I whispered as I stood up, and looked at her. “I need to talk to Strieber right away.” I hissed.
Madison looked at me and nodded. “He should be up in the portable office.” She answered.
“Hmm, let’s get out of the crime scene. Get CSI down here to contain the body and the evidence so we can get a good notion of who is behind it.”
Madison nodded and followed my lead out of the veined country side.
I just walked into the main office and stared at Strieber.
“What Osaki?” He asked coldly, not even looking up from is stacks of work on the desk.
“Vampire,” I whispered. “Four of them from the look of how drained the body is.”
Strieber shook his head. “Look, one vampire could have done this”
I shook my head and leaned up against the wall. “Vampires don’t bite their prey more then once. Once they have marked their prey the venom seeps though the body sooner or later making the prey lose all control of the body. Then and only then the marker has the choice of draining the prey of every ounce or giving the prey blood in return to make them One of the night walkers” I recited. “They rarely live through the process though; the vampire that had marked them gets lazy and just moves onto easier prey.”
“Look Osaki, I know that you know a lot about Vampires but there are also so many other creatures out there.” He flipped up his fingers. “Lycans, Demons, and there are also Angels.” He shook his head and stood up. “You should know good and well that a human can resist the venom.” He finally looked up at me.
I stared at him a hint of anger flitting across my face. “Look Strieber you may be my boss, but you have no right to bring that up.” I hissed.
Strieber nodded in agreement. “Touché,” He whispered. “What I am trying to say is that anything other could have killed that girl. What do you have so much against vampires?”
I stared at him for a moment the shook my head. “I had a tip.” I whispered.
“Aw,” Strieber groaned. “Nathaniel, I heard he was a good lover.” He said with a chuckle. “A lot of our female cops get lost in his amazing accent and his looks.” He stated. “Have you fallen under the same spell?” He asked.
I glared at him and bit my tongue. “I would never even think about it.” I hissed.
“That’s right, you have Shinichi. How is he doing anyway?” He asked pouring himself some coffee.
Shinichi was my little brother that had been in the hospital under some strong treatment since our little run in with the ‘walkers of the night’.
I completely ignored that jab and stood back up straitening my blouse. 'The killers were vampires; it doesn’t matter if I got a tip or anything.” I walked over to the door and placed my hand on the knob. “Lycans rip their prey’s throat out before they chow down. Angels don’t kill unless they are Rogue, and when they turn rogue the Angels of the court kill them on meeting. Demons,” -I paused and took in a deep breath- “Fry their victims after draining their blood.” I whispered.
Strieber cleared his throat. “What if the demons get lazy?”
He really wanted to fight with me on this one. “Doesn’t matter if they get lazy, their venom has a chemical that causes the body to self combust.” I hissed.
Strieber sat down back in his chair and picked up a few papers while sipping his steaming cup of coffee with the other hand. “Well then,” He said as he placed the papers back down on the table. “I am hoping that you can solve this case, because I have too many on my plate at the moment.” He said with a chuckle. “Besides the victim looks like a prostitute anyway, I don’t care about sinners like that.” He said holding up the crème colored folder.
I stormed over there was a frown on my face. “It doesn’t matter if she was, she’s a human being. Some ones child,” I hissed.
Strieber smiled. “Right,”
I growled once more before walking out of the office.
Madison was waiting for me outside of the office with a clip board in her hands. Her head was bowed when she held it out to me.
“What’s this?” I asked taking the clip board.
“A man came for you, he said he couldn’t wait but he wanted to leave you a letter.” She said pouring me a cup of coffee with the canteen that she held under her arm.
I stared at the clipboard and the envelope on it, I could tell by the writing, whom it was from. I looked up at Madison as she held out the make shift cup. I took it slowly and looked in at the black liquid. “You know you’re a detective right?” I asked taking a sip of the bitter drink.
She nodded and looked down. “You’re the most prosperous woman detective around these parts. I want to learn every thing from you.”
That brought a tiny smile upon my lips. “Want to know something?” I whispered.
She nodded and bit down on her bottom lip.
“Don’t give the boss your home phone. You’ll never here the end of it.” I was the only one in the conversation that actually got the joke. “Well I thought it was funny.” I whispered as I handed her the coffee. I snapped the letter out of under the metal holder and also handed her the clipboard. “Thanks.” I whispered again.
She nodded and bowed once more.
I walked off the sight and looked down the hill, the CSI were working quickly as they wore their white suits. I looked at my clock as I walked over to my car. I parked by the biggest part of the hill. The other side of the road just didn’t look appealing to me, since there was really no railing to keep you from falling off the 100 foot ledge.
I got into my car and placed the letter on the passenger’s seat. I stared at it for a little while longer then started the engine.
The road a head of me felt as if it was going on forever, I knew I was tired but this was just to much. What all did I have to take of this before I could have a full nights sleep? I growled under my breath as I pulled into my driveway.
I stepped out of my car and closed the door before I looked up at my big empty house. Why did I have to chase out every guy that ever stepped across my door frame? I said softly to myself.
As I went from the drive way to the front stairs I saw my neighbor look at me, he was in his suit, going to his normal job no doubt. “Morning Sam,” I greeted with a smile, as casual as I could get it
“Good Morning Rayne, you just getting in?” He asked looking at my clothes.
I smiled again. “Yeah, the police got me working triple shifts; it will be nice to get in my bed and sleep.” I replied.
Sam looked at me with a worried look. “Rayne a 20 year old is not supposed to be working those kinds of shifts.”
That’s right I am a 20 year old homicide detective for the supernatural cases. But the precinct tries to keep the supernatural to a minimum even though every one know they exist.
I faked a school girl laugh. “I need to make a living,”
“What happened to what’s his name?” He looked around trying to buy time to think.
“Jimmy?” I asked.
“Yeah that guy.”
“I dumped him about three weeks ago”
He scratched the back of his head. “I thought you guys were pretty serious.”
“Naw, we had a couple nights but that was it.” I replied. “Anyway I have to go inside, I really need my sleep.”
He nodded. “Well then goodnight.”
I nodded back and walked up my stairs, unlocking my door before I walked in. I looked inside my dark house and took a deep breath. I took off my shoes before I even stepped on my carpet. I passed the kitchen without even looking at the answering machine. I wasn’t going to go out anymore to night, er this morning.
I walked into the bathroom and took off my jacket, tossing it on top of the toilet. The bathroom light was so bright that I knew I couldn’t hide. That’s why I have never had a man in here. If I was going to have any kind of intimacy I was going to do it in a dark room, I had too many scars to hide.
Next came the blouse, I could see my pale skin now. The spider web scars making their way down my stomach, just from underneath my left breast.
All that was left on my upper torso was my black lace bra.
I took a deep breath as I unlatched the strap in the back letting it slide down my arms. There it was, my most hideous scar. Right there below my left breast. Vampire bites, the ones that I got when I was attacked by a gang of them.
I finished undressing and took a long hot shower. When I was done I put some panties on, then crawled into bed. The bed was so soft that I was out almost instantly.
The darkness that dwell in my brain, escaped into the real world a little at a time. Seeping through the crack, my own life, my own heart, all turning the color in which I feared most
Chapter One 'BreakingEden'
'Breaking Eden' Chapter One, Taken with nothing to hide.
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