• I take a deep breath before opening Melissa's door .

    She looks worst then she did last time . It looks like she hasn't eaten anything.
    Since Juliette died she has been so depressed. " Melissa ? "

    " Yes Tyler "

    " You should get up and do something "

    " I don't want to "

    " You should . Juliette wouldn't want this "

    " She wouldn't want what ? "

    " For you to be depressed "

    " I'm not depressed "

    " Yes you are " I walk over to the side of her bed and sit down next to her .

    " No I'm not "

    " I'm not gonna bother fighting with you " She pushes her hair out of her face and that is when I see her wrist. There is atleast ten cuts on it . " What did you do to your wrist ? "

    " What are you talking about "

    I grab her wrist and turn it so the cuts are facing up " I mean this "

    " oh that "

    " Ya that . Melissa cutting your wrists isn't the answer "

    " Then what is ? "

    " Maybe talking "

    " To who ? "

    " Anyone . Your mom , A doctor , me "

    " You weren't here "

    " No but you could have called or came over "

    " I didn't want to bother you "

    I take a deep breath " Melissa I really care about you and I don't want you to hurt yourself anymore " And then I kiss her.