• "Good morning campers!" Jesse shouted into his megaphone the next day as all of the contestants came out of the mess hall, finishing their breakfast. "Dustin had been invited back to join you all."

    "What?" Max exclaimed. "Why?"

    "I don't know either. We locked him up in chains, put him into a bag, tied the bag with thick ropes, put the bag into a chest, chained the chest, and then locked the chains with seven locks. Somehow he escaped and came back here."

    "Great," Cathy said sarcastically. "Hey everyone, 'Houdini' the freak boy is here."

    There was a puff of smoke, and when it disappear, there was nothing.

    "That was...weird," Carmen said.

    Dustin fell from the sky and crashed into the ground.

    "You're suppose to land me before the smoke disappear!" Dustin shouted to a helicopter as he stood up.

    The helicopter flew closer to the ground and caused Dustin to blew backward. The helicopter then flew away. Everyone let out a big gasp as Carmen.

    "You're bald!" Cathy said as she saw Carmen's bald head and her afro a yard away.

    "Carmen is a man!" Dustin shouted.

    "No I'm not you idiot!" Carmen shouted back at Dustin. "I am a girl."

    "I bet he sucked blood every night and sleep during the morning."

    "That's a vampire," Max explained. "Are you trying to act like an idiot?"

    "I don't know what an idiot is, but I do know that Carmen's trunk is probably filled with pineapples!"

    Jesse looked at Carmen suspiciously, and she slapped him.

    "Things gone haywire again," Max sighed.

    "Okay," Jesse said. "For today's challenge, let's go to the motel room."

    Once the contestants arrived at the motel room, Jesse began to explained the rule.

    "So all you have to do is find the objects," Jesse finished explaining and give each camper a small list. "The one that came out last, lose. Let the unidentified gender go in first."

    "I'm a girl gosh!" Carmen exclaimed. "Did Dustin's stupidity infected you too? Gosh!"

    Once Carmen was in the dirty motel room, the rest of the contestants went inside. Dustin found the red t-shirt, the black towel, and the shampoo first and got out of the room. Carmen found a new wig and put it on. Soon, Cathy found the TV remote and toy car while Max found the basketball and the skateboard. Carmen was having a hard time finding the lipstick, the picture, and the pen. As Max and Cathy fought over the doll, Carmen finally found everything on her list.

    The doll's head ripped off, and Cathy fell backward, crashing into Carmen. Carmen's wig fell off and the lipstick rolled under a tablestand. Max grabbed the doll's head and ran outside. Carmen and Cathy gasped at each other when they realized that one of them had to go home.

    "You should win," Carmen said. "I wouldn't mind losing anyway since I'm not appreciated by the boys here!"

    Outside the motel, Jesse and Max were reading Carmen's diary while Dustin ran around in circle and crashed into a tree.

    "Wow," Jesse said. "I guess Carmen really is a girl."

    "Hey, look at this," Max said and pointed to a sentence in the diary. "She liked Harrison and even dreamt about him sharing a donut with her."

    Jesse and Max laughed as Cathy came out of the motel room with a doll followed by Carmen. Carmen grabbed the diary away from the two and threw a tantrum at them.

    "Look like Carmen lose," Jesse said after one hour. "Goodbye!"

    When the bus carried Carmen away from the camp, Cathy turned toward Jesse and Max.

    "You two are so rude for reading her diary!" Cathy shouted.

    "Not another tantrum," Max groaned.

    "I hope you're happy because you really hurt her feeling you know."

    Cathy walked over to the unconscious Dustin.

    "And you're going down too for hurting my friend."

    She kicked Dustin in the groin and stormed into her cabin.

    "At least she still have her dignity," Jesse said.

    "No, no she don't," Max said and held up Carmen's afro.