• Ding-Dong Ditchin' Chapter 1
    "So," Nikki started, out of breath. "Was it worthwhile?"

    "Yes!" I replied. My heart was pounding so hard, I thought it would pound right out of my chest. Adrenaline was racing through my veins and I was sweating a little. I couldn't believe it -- ding-dong ditching was actually fun! "Let's do it again!"

    Nikki crossed her arms and grinned. "Good," she said, "because next is Jagger and Stony's house."

    Ding-Dong Ditchin'
    Chapter 2

    "ANYTHING BUT THAT!" I exclaimed in shock. No way was I going to ding-dong ditch them. Ever.

    "What, you chicken?" Nikki teased, her eyes narrowing. "Or do you have a little crush on the DeWitts?"

    "NO!" I exclaimed a little too hastily. But I'm serious, that was the truth. Jagger is in elementary school and Stony is two grades above me. And we all hate each other.

    "Nice try, Kayla," Nikki responded, rolling her eyes.

    "Whatever. Why would I lie to you?" I huffed. "And remember the last time you and Justin ding-dong ditched Jagger and Stony? You just barely made it to the ditch by the road in time. Their mom came out and was screaming, 'Where are you twerps?!' and waved her broom around. You told me you were scared outta your skin." Nikki hesitated and I smiled. I had something over her head now. She'd have to give in... right?

    Wrong. "That was at night," Nikki responded. "N-i-g-h-t. And their mom's not home, I bet. We can pull this off."

    "You only made it that time 'cuz Justin was with you. Just-in time, get it?" I retorted. OK, I admit it was a crappy comeback. But I was out of ideas.

    "Ha-ha, very funny," Nikki spat. "I know you. You're out of comebacks, aren't you? You know I'm right. Now let's go." She marched off toward the road. I slunk after her because the argument was hopeless. I'd lost.

    When we got to the road and looked both ways, we ran across as fast as we could and leaped into the ditch. "Here's what we'll do," Nikki began. "You go up to the doorstep, hit the doorbell, then run back to this ditch where I'll be waiting."

    "Not a smart plan," I contradicted. "I'm wearing a bright orange T-shirt. I think they'd see me bolting across their front lawn and jumping into a ditch that's not that deep."

    Nikki scratched her head and nodded. "Ugh, I never thought of that. I always wear dark colors when I go ditchin', but you didn't know that's what we'd be doing." Nikki thought for a moment, then lit up. I swear, you could see light bulbs flashing over her head. Ok, not really, but still. "I got it! You run behind their car, then behind the other car, then back up behind that tree, then dash over to the pine tree, then--"

    "Can't I just meet you behind their garage, then follow you from there? It doesn't have to be that complicated," I interrupted.

    "OK, I'll go over there now. Well, goodbye!" Nikki took off and hid. I felt like I was going to die. Why did she always have to abandon me like that?! I tried not to think about it as I approached the door.

    "Here I go," I muttered to myself. I pressed the doorbell and ran away as fast as I could. There was a ruckus inside the house. Dogs barked, feet stomped, things banged. I was scared and it was a good distance from the door to the garage, but I was in track and field, so it wasn't a big deal. I slid around the corner just as the door swung open.

    "Great job, Kayla!" Nikki praised and patted my back. "Now let's get outta here before--"

    "I know it's you, Nikki and Kayla! C'mon out before I call the police to come after you!" Jagger screamed across the yard.

    "Let's move! NOW!" I exclaimed in panic. Nikki and I bolted behind the trees and climbed a pine tree until we were safely hidden in the branches.

    "I'll call your parents, you sissies! I'll tell my big brother to beat you up! I'll kill you!" Jagger screeched. "I see you! I'm gonna shoot ya with my BB gun!" Apparently, he'd seen us in the tree.

    "Um, it's time for us to skeedaddle," I said nervously to Nikki.

    As we climbed down the tree and fled back across the road to Niki's house, Nikki called behind her, "I'd like to see you try, little kid!"

    One thing was certain: I'd never ding-dong ditch again. Ever.