• Isabella looked around the room, seeing only furniture. She wished someone was there with her, anyone. Of course there was a certain person she wanted to be with the most, but that was over. Her life was different. She couldn't rely on the same people anymore, she had to rely on herself.
    Sure, some people where still there for her, but they never were as close to her as he was. He was her world, and Isabella hated that she had let that happen. He left her, and she had nothing but a room full of furniture to stare at.
    "Why am I so stupid?" she yelled.
    "You're not stupid."
    Isabella, startled, said "When did you get here?"
    "About a minute after he left," James said. "I know you don't want to hear this, but you never should have let him into your life. That is what's stupid, not you."
    "Don't you think I know that, James! That fact has been running in my head since he left the first time. I don't know why I let him come back." Isabella collapsed into a chair, her face paler than usual. All her dark thoughts were beginning to catch up with her. "James, help me."
    James sat down next to her, and whispered in her ear "I will."
    "Thank you."
    "And, Isabella, I wanted to say this even before he showed up."
    "What?" Isabella had no idea what he was getting at.
    "I love you."