• Boom! The thunder thundered across the valley. A girl around the age of 19 was sleeping in her bed, peaceful and quiet. Then, she started to sweat, and she began to turn in her bed. She talked in her sleep saying "Please, no, please, I'll do anything!"
    Then, another flash of lightning and a roar of thunder shook the house, it seemed. She woke up and balanced herself on her hands placed behind her back. She looked around and sighed.
    "Just a dream...."
    She turned her bed-side-lamp on and reached for her book. It wasn't there! She got up and looked under her nightstand. Not there! She searched her room and it wasn't there. She borrowed it from the Library today, and only read 20 pages. There was no way!
    She went into the hallway and searched all the rooms there. She just gave up and she went back to bed and had her nightmare again.
    The next day, she was going to see if the attic had any rodents in it. She did this monthly. When she was up there, she heard a movement behind her. She turned sharply and saw nothing. She thought it was a rat, but she was misstaken. When she was going through boxes she felt a cold hand start to choke her. She tried to scream, but couldn't.
    She looked around trying to find something that could defend herself, but what she saw shocked her most. It was her book! How did it get up here?!
    Then, the voice spoke in a hushed whisper, "I love the book you rented. But, please do not struggle, you will not go anywhere with it. You are going to be my property by the end of the day, say, don't struggle, and I will stop choking you." She was astonished, she stopped stuggling and the thing that was choking her tied a chain around her hand. It turned her around and she almot fainted!
    It was a nothing! It was a ghost! It was the person from her nightmare!
    The nightmare knocked her out and carried her to a far corner in the attic. It let her sleep for a while, when she woke back up, she was smiling. When she looked at him, she started to cry. She glanced at her book and then back at the creature. She was so scared, she felt like she almost peed, a couple times, already. Then, that night when she fell asleep, the nightmare got a knife and thrust it into her neck and hung her. People found her and said she was suicidal.
    To this day, he MADE her marry him, he turned out to be a dude. They never had children, but she is VERY happy with him. She was just scared to DEATH of him when she was alive, and he was dead. But now, while they're both dead, they love each other.
    When someone new moves into the house, they lure the people into the attic and kill them, and add a new family member.

    P.S. To all you freaks who thinks crap like this is real, get a life, and this is just for entertainment. I hoped you enjoyed. Sucks for YOU that it's short!!!!!!!