• <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<chapter 5: Grazeor to the rescue>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    The sun was now rising, Litch needed to stal untill Grazeor would awake, if he thought of here. The guards took hold of Litch and dragged him into the "village". They took him into what looked like the leaders hut.

    The leader was as all of them dressed in black. But his bandanna was made of a stronger material and was brown, Litch guessed they were ranked with bandannas. The leader dismissed them, They brought Litch to a post with shackles, were they going to take him prisinor?

    Right when they were about to shackle him a man screamed in a trollish accent, "Duck.". Litch was hessitant but did duck just in time to see a soaring inferno nail one of the rogues. He was set on fire since there suits were flamible, he died in fire. Litch watched and saw his face in the fire.

    He knew death wasn't right, but it was him or Litch. Suddenly the pearl in his pocket let out a blinding glow. He grabbed it and put it into the other rogues face. But... he was already killed, he looked around they were all dead, except for the leader who was fighting a troll on Litch's side.

    That troll was Grazeor, Litch now would always find a place for Grazeor in his heart. Now Litch wen't running for the leader, even know he had no weapons he repeaditly kicked and punched at the leader. He was now dead.

    After that Grazeor explained. "I saw the man take you. I didnt fall asleep after hearing that a rogue asked for you. I didnt stop him, in the state i was in i couldn't have killed or even hit him." Litch understood as they left for the inn.

    They slept in the next day and then Litch gave the general of the town his own discovery.