• The smell of burning flesh and death was so strong, Trixi could barely breath without gagging. She had seen the whole fight from her hiding spot in the ally that her attackers had chased her down. She was at a dead end with her imminate death approaching.
    Thats when he came.
    He was dressed in black jeans and a tight black t-shirt that showed off his fit body. His dark hair fell into his eyes seductivly as he turned to her attackers and smiled. She saw a glimps of white poke out of his snarling mouth. She gasped as he lunged at the men.
    The man had no weponds that Trixi could see and her attackers each had a knife. With a wave of his hand the knives burst into a fine powder at the assailents feet. How did he do that? she asked herself. Thats phisically impossible! Then the stranger strode twords the man closest to him and put a hand on his shoulder. In seconds the man was enveloped in flames. He was dead in a matter of seconds. The second man was frozen to the spot with fear. As the strange man approached him he shook with fear. The man lowerd his head and wisperd something inaudible in Gallic. The man fell down on the cracked street, dead.

    The man turned to her and she saw his eyes for the first time. His eyes were forest green with gold flecks around the irises. She could get lost in those eyes. He looked alert and protective as he closed the space between them with three easy strides of his long legs. A glimmer of concern passed in his eyes and he gripped her hands in his. "Are you all right?" he asked her. Her mouth dry and body still shook up she managed a weak reply of "Yes. I am now. Thank you for saving me." She smiled at him and then said, "What's your name? I'm Trixi. Trixi Jenson." He looked t her then and saw that she was truly greatful. Trixi huh. Arik thought, What a beautiful name. "My name is Arik Cain." he said with a smile waiting on his lips.
    "Lets see if i can get you home in one piece, Miss Jenson." Arik said with a smile as he held her hand and let her lead the way.