• My name is Reina Taka. Yes, I’m Japanese, and I ‘m just your average fourteen-year-old girl. I’m new in my school, and I’m a bit shy. Usually, it’s hard for me to make friends, but I already did. She’s the best friend I ever had! Her name’s Janice Forks. She can keep any kind of secret; you name it.
    On the other hand, there’s this really annoying girl in my class. Her name’s Britney Wilcos. She says a lot of gossip. I swear! I never want to talk to her because she pisses me off. Most of all though . . . I like this certain guy, but I don’t think he likes or notices me. He always laughs and smiles at Britney. Oh, I for got to mention, but Britney has friends. How does she have friends with her stupid attitude? I really don’t know.
    Anyway, his name’s Ryan, and he has wicked black hair. It’s so hot! Oh, I always feel like I melt whenever I see his glistening black hair . . . sigh


    “Dear Diary,
    Today was fine. I have no homework, so I’m free! I saw Ryan today in the cafeteria. As usual, he was with his buddies Jack Kolock, Richie Rouges, and Kenji Gokosu(<- My favorite best friend. Kenji and I are neighbors, so I know him well.) Well, that’s all for today!”

    I closed my diary, sighing again.
    “Reina, get ready for school!” my mom yelled.
    “Okay, Mom! Let me just put away my diary, and I’m heading down,” I replied by shouting.
    Another day without saying anything to Ryan. Oh, well.
    Di di di~ di di di doo ~ . . .
    Huh? Oh, it’s my cell phone. It’s a text message from Kenji? Why is he texting me now?
    “Hey Reina, what’s up? Good Morning! =D”
    “Hey Kenji, nothing much. Good morning to you, too,” I replied. I wanted to tell him that I like Ryan so much, but I’m not sure if he’ll keep it a secret. . .
    Di di di ~ di di di doo ~ . . .
    “(-_-) That’s all you can say? Well, never mind . . . I need to tell you something, but you can’t tell anyone. Okay?” I hope I made the right decision.
    Di di di ~ di di di doo ~ . . .
    “Okay, I promise. Trust me. (v_v)”
    “You better not tell anyone. Well, um, I, uh, like your friend . . .”
    “Who do you like? Is it Ryan, Richie, or Jack? (O.O)”
    Wow. He replied fast. “I like Ryan. Okay? Don’t tell anyone. Especially Ryan,” I replied.
    “XD Really?! WOW! Okay I won’t.”
    “Honey, are you ready,” my mom shouted.
    “Uh, yes Mom! I’m coming!”
    “Okay, dear!”
    I went downstairs, grabbed my backpack, and I went to sit in the car. When my mom drove me to school, my head was filled with paranoid thoughts. Did he reply quickly because he thought it was stupid? I think he did because he laughed. . . .
    “We’re here Reina. Go on to school, but don’t forget to give Mommy a hug!”