• In a small town in the state of Tennessee, there is an average seeming man. He works at a gas station as a mechanic, he has a wife and two kids that he provides for, he takes his family to church on Sundays, etc., he just seems to be an average guy. But one day this rich looking elderly man pulls into the gas station in his Mercedes and is murdered. It is clear that the motive for the murder was for his because his wallet, watch, and other valuable stuff in the car was stolen, and the man that seems average is the main suspect.

    The man that seems average is soon arrested. Almost all the evidence points to him. He was born and raised in the small town, and all the witnesses including people that he’s grown up with, that he’s known since he was in elementary school, all point to him as the person that murdered the elderly man. The elderly scratched the murderer in self defense and the DNA in the fingernails matches the average man’s DNA, and there is a lot of other evidence that points to the average man as the murderer. The average man is wondering how all these people can testify against being that they know him so well and why and also why the evidence makes him seem guilty. The only part of the evidence that doesn’t make sense is the fingerprints. The murderer touched the pavement, the Mercedes, and left the knife at the crime scene that he used as the murder weapon. The fingerprints on the knife, Mercedes, and the pavement all match each other, but they do not match the average man’s fingerprints. At the end of the trial, the average man is found guilty and is sentenced to life in prison.

    The same night that the average man is sentenced to prison for life, a man pulls into the gas station, and he looks exactly like the average man. The clerk at the counter asks him why he’s out of prison and states that he thought he was gone for life. The man that looks exactly like the average man just shrugs his shoulders and acts dismissive and then drives off. The clerk calls the police thinking that the average man may have escaped prison. The police apprehend the man that looks exactly like the average man ten miles down the road on the freeway.

    In the end, the average man and the other man that looks exactly like him are identical twin brothers that were separated after birth. The average man grew up in the small town in Tennessee that he still lives in and the other man was raised in Green Bay Wisconsin where he still lives. The other man that looks exactly like the average man is living in poverty and saved his hard earned cash for years so he could take a vacation in Florida. While driving all the way to Florida from Wisconsin for his vacation he stops at a gas station to refuel his car and sees the wealthy elderly and decides to kill him for his wealth because he’s so poor and then drive away quickly so he won’t get caught. After leaving of course the average man that not only looks like him but is his identical twin brother would get blamed for the murder.