• I didn't want to open my eyes. Not yet. Not until about an hour. But I opened them. I looked into a guy's face. "Who ARE you?!?" I screamed. "I'm Kazu. Now, shhhhh!" The guy said. "What the HELL is wrong with you, then, Kazu?! Picking me up?!" I was furious. "Well-" Kazu started. "SHUT UP! Don't even answer me, worthless crap!" I answered. "Fine." Kazu flung me to a glass wall. "ACK!" I hit the glass wall. It broke and I fell out of the house. Glass was shoved into my arm. My stomach heaved as my falling pace increased.

    "Damn, I'm 1,000 feet above the ground and my falling pace has increased even more." I whispered. I cringed as my falling pace increased even more and the glass went deeper in my arm. Blood spurted and I screamed. My stomach heaved even more. I was close to the ground then..... BOOM! I hit the ground, blood all over me.

    *** *** *** *** *** ***

    "Ow, my arm..." I muttered. "You're ok." A voice like Devin's said. "Devin?" I asked. "Yes?" He replied. I realized my eyes were closed. I flitted them open. "Kiss me." I told Devin and he pressed his lips to mine. Then, I felt myself stabbed in both arms and both legs as I closed my eyes.